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Symptoms of Heart Stroke and the Treatments You Can Expect - Oren Zarif - Heart Stroke

Writer: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

A heart attack is an emergency condition that causes a person's heart to stop, or to weaken. It may also be a result of an inherited condition, such as high blood pressure or diabetes. The symptoms of a heart attack may be subtle or even nonexistent. In any case, it is important to seek immediate medical attention. Listed below are symptoms of heart stroke and the treatments you can expect. They are described below. In addition to the symptoms listed above, you should also watch for any other unusual changes in your body.

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Symptoms of a heart attack vary between men and women. Those in the latter category may experience fatigue, indigestion, and nausea. Other signs of a heart attack in women include sudden weakness, numbness, dizziness, confusion, and difficulty speaking. A severe headache is another sign of a heart attack. While these symptoms may sound similar to those of a heart attack, they could indicate a complication such as an artery blockage or heart attack.

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A heart attack or a stroke is caused by a buildup of plaque in an artery. This blockage causes a blockage in the artery and can lead to a fatal heart attack. A person suffering from a heart attack may have heart problems before a stroke occurs. As a result, many people have heart problems. In fact, approximately one third of people who suffer a stroke will have a heart attack within three days.

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After a doctor calculates a risk score for a patient, he or she will advise on appropriate action. This may include changing lifestyle habits or taking medication. A heart-healthy diet should include a variety of sources of protein, including lean poultry and eggs, and is low in saturated fats. Those with diabetes should limit red meat and choose a healthy fat. The doctor can help patients make the appropriate dietary choices.

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A healthy heartbeat results in a large volume of blood ejected during a single cardiac cycle. As a result, the ejection fraction increases, which increases the stroke volume. However, these increases do not occur in a linear fashion. During a portion of the cardiac cycle, the heart ejects a larger portion of its total volume, resulting in an increase in the systolic pressure compared to the diastolic pressure.

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If you suspect you might be having a heart attack or a stroke, you should immediately call 911 or the emergency services. A heart attack or stroke can be life-threatening. Immediately call for emergency medical care and begin CPR. If the person is unresponsive, call 911 or go to a hospital emergency room. Don't wait any longer! The sooner you start treatment, the better your chance of recovering. With the right treatment, you may save a life.

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While a heart attack is more painful than a stroke, it can be life-changing. Depending on the extent of damage to brain tissue, a stroke can affect your ability to communicate verbally and use certain body parts. Because many people fear stroke more than a heart attack, they tend to think that a stroke will cause more damage than a heart attack. The two diseases have different warning signs, but knowing how to recognize these symptoms can help you get the appropriate emergency treatment.

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Although men and women have the same risk factors for heart attacks and strokes, men are more likely to develop them at younger ages. Women are more likely to die from a stroke than men. Those with high blood pressure are more likely to develop CAD than whites. The risk factors for CAD are also different among minorities. Mexican-Americans and American Indians have higher risk of a heart attack. People with high blood pressure are at a greater risk of developing a heart attack.

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A blockage in a blood vessel is the most common cause of a heart attack. When the heart is deprived of blood, the muscles begin to die. To prevent further damage, blood flow must be restored. Immediately restarting the blood flow is critical. This will prevent further damage to the heart. It is vital to seek medical attention for heart attack as soon as possible. You must take action now to prevent a heart attack from developing into a full-blown stroke.


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