Symptoms of Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy - Oren Zarif - Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy
There are many symptoms of Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE). The condition has several different stages: Stage I, Stage II, and Stage III. This article will discuss these stages and offer some helpful information on the condition. Symptoms of this condition vary from child to child. You should be cautious when assessing a child for any of these conditions. If you are unsure whether or not your child has HIE, it is important to consult a medical professional.
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The incidence of Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy is estimated to be 1.5 per thousand live births. While it is rare, the damage it causes to the brain is significant. In many cases, the survivors suffer from neurodevelopmental delays, cerebral palsy, and even epilepsy. There are different ways to diagnose this condition, including clinical examination, Sarnat staging, and Thompson scores. Neuroimaging is also helpful to estimate the risk of neurodevelopmental outcomes. The clinical grade is essential for clinical decision making.
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When there is severe ischemia and hypoxia, the brain tissue suffers cellular death. Cells swell and rupture resulting in further inflammation and damage to the white matter. During this process, scar tissue forms, which further limits brain function. Another form of brain cell death is apoptosis, which occurs when a cell dies programmedly. In the event of a severe hypoxic-ischemic insult, brain tissue may go through two phases: the latent period and the secondary energy failure phase.
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The symptoms of Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy depend on how long the brain is deprived of oxygen during labor. It is most common in full-term infants, but can also develop in premature babies. The extent of brain damage and disability varies depending on the area of the brain affected. In some cases, the child may have mild to moderate symptoms, while others can experience permanent disability.
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Symptoms of Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy include impaired mental function and developmental delays. It is also called birth asphyxia. The symptoms of Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy are often not obvious until the baby is older and can show signs of organ dysfunction. In many cases, the baby may not show any signs of brain damage until they have trouble feeding. It is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.
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Although the cause of HIE is unclear, there are several factors known to contribute to its development. The first factor is the immaturity of the cerebral vasculature, causing increased white matter vulnerability and hypoxic ischemia. Inflammation, excitotoxicity, and oxidative stress are also important mediators. In neonatal brain injury, apoptosis plays a key role. This process is necessary for proper brain development, but its absence or disruption may lead to neurodevelopmental impairment.
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It is important to note that markers of NE have not been proven to predict subsequent outcomes. However, clinical symptoms and signs of NE include seizures, subnormal level of consciousness, and depression of tone. The disease severity is measured by a three-level grading system based on clinical symptoms. The severity of the condition is also determined by the patient's respiratory and feeding status. In addition to grading the severity of the condition, Sarnat developed a scale for neonates that helps the clinician determine how severe the problem is.
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Treatment for the disorder includes cooling the baby's body and brain. This treatment slows down the cascade effect, enabling the brain to recover and reduce the severity of the condition over time. This treatment is usually supportive. If, however, symptoms persist, a child should be evaluated immediately. And if it has been detected early, it is possible to begin treatment. This will greatly improve the child's quality of life.
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Treatment for HIE focuses on preventing further brain damage. It may involve medical, physical, and occupational therapies. After cooling therapy, all babies who have had the condition are eligible for follow-up in the Neonatal Neurology Follow-Up Program or High Risk Infant Program. Some children may also be enrolled in research studies or trials involving new treatments. These therapies will continue to improve the care of these children.