Symptoms of Post Concussion Syndrome - Oren Zarif - Post Concussion Syndrome
The symptoms of post concussion syndrome can range from mild to severe. They include fatigue, headache, difficulty coordinating movements, and memory and processing problems. These symptoms can continue for months, even a year, depending on the severity of the injury. If you have recently been in a car accident, a head injury may worsen these symptoms. You should seek medical care as soon as possible. Some symptoms of post concussion syndrome may occur within two days or as late as three weeks.
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Headache: Although headache is the most common symptom, this is not the only one. Dizziness and hearing loss are also common. Post concussion syndrome symptoms usually clear up within three months after the initial head injury. Some sufferers also experience loss of taste and smell. These symptoms can be difficult to differentiate from other types of headaches, so it's important to seek medical attention immediately if you're experiencing any of these signs.
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Neurological examination: A doctor may perform tests to check your memory and mental processes. Brain scans can also be done to check for bleeding in the area where the blow to the head took place. The diagnosis will help you understand the symptoms you're experiencing. In addition to these tests, your doctor may suggest additional therapies to improve your recovery. Once you've had a concussion, you'll need to visit a doctor with expertise in post concussion syndrome.
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Physical examination: Doctors will likely perform a physical examination to assess whether you've suffered from post concussion syndrome. Your doctor may also do a CT or MRI scan of the head to rule out any other possible causes of your symptoms. Your doctor will be able to prescribe treatment based on the symptoms you're experiencing and how they affect your daily life. It's important to seek treatment as early as possible, because these symptoms can interfere with your performance at work and in everyday life.
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Although there are some studies that suggest that certain psychological factors may be involved in post concussion symptoms, this type of research is still in its early stages. It's also important to consider if an intervention is based on a multi-variable approach. Multivariable analysis is the best way to evaluate your condition and treat it before it progresses too far. If you're not a sports-related athlete, a non-pharmacological multi-dimensional approach may be a better choice.
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After a concussion, 20% of individuals will develop long-term symptoms. These symptoms may include emotional and cognitive impairment. The symptoms can last months or even years, but they will improve over time. In many cases, the symptoms overlap with those of other medical conditions. In many cases, you can simply change your activities to help yourself recover. If you don't feel like doing anything at all, you can work with a health professional who will provide you with the proper treatment options.
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If you are experiencing post concussion syndrome, your doctor will examine you and determine the underlying cause of your symptoms. They will also examine your life circumstances, such as the type of work or family circumstances you may be facing. If you have multiple symptoms, a social worker will help you determine what additional strategies are necessary. Post concussion syndrome may last for weeks or months. Treatment options for PCS include education and psychological therapy. You may also be prescribed medications for the symptoms.
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While a concussion does not involve a direct impact, quick acceleration or deceleration motions can cause more significant injuries. A direct "bruising" to certain areas of the brain happens when the brain bounces or moves inside the skull. Small blood vessels can tear and stretch deeper into the brain. While you can't see a bruise, the injury will damage nerves. In addition to the surface injuries, there are other forms of brain injuries.
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The prevalence of post-concussion symptoms varies from eleven to eighty percent, depending on diagnostic criteria, the population, and assessment methods. Although post-concussion symptoms can be a valid endpoint, they may be misleading. HRQoL or functional outcome measures may be more useful. It is important to note that there is no single treatment for post-concussion syndrome. The next step is to better understand what causes these symptoms and what treatments can effectively alleviate them.