Symptoms of Stroke - Oren Zarif - Stroke
Signs of stroke include speech difficulty and a sudden loss of balance. The person may also experience sudden numbness or weakness. The affected area is usually one side of the body and may droop when smiling. Symptoms of stroke can also include blurred, double, or black vision. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact 911 immediately. The faster you get treatment, the better chance you will have of surviving a stroke.
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TIAs happen when blood clots block a major artery in the brain. They do not qualify as a full stroke, but they serve as a warning sign. TIAs require immediate medical attention and treatment similar to a stroke. The risk of developing a full stroke increases by 10 to 15 percent in TIA patients. Stroke is not contagious and can strike anyone at any time. Understanding symptoms is critical to preventing long-term complications.
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The AHA/ASA have reached out to the American Academy of Neurology, the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to gain a common understanding of the disease. In addition to these organizations, the AHA/ASA consulted various experts in the fields of neurology, neurosurgery, and epidemiology. Stroke has been a significant cause of disability and death around the world.
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Depending on the severity of the condition, doctors may use clot-busting medications to break up blood clots and restore blood flow to the affected area of the brain. These medications are administered intravenously by emergency medical personnel in the hospital emergency department. Blood-thinning medications may be prescribed as well. In addition, anticoagulant medications can reduce the risk of stroke. If the blood clots are dislodged, doctors may perform surgery to open the blocked artery.
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When the blood supply to the brain is cut off, the brain cannot get the nutrients and oxygen it needs. It will begin to die as brain cells lack the necessary oxygen and nutrients to live. Often, a clot breaks a blood vessel and bleeding begins inside the head. Despite the serious consequences of a stroke, if the blood supply is restored quickly, the long-term effects of stroke are minimal or nonexistent. If not treated correctly, stroke symptoms can cause permanent damage to brain tissue.
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The signs and symptoms of stroke vary depending on the type of stroke and where the brain was affected. Depending on the part of the brain affected and the amount of bleeding, the damage can be mild or severe. The patient's age, overall health, and the severity of the stroke will determine the extent of the damage. Minor strokes can be treated quickly and cause no symptoms. More serious strokes can cause permanent paralysis of one side of the body, speech and memory loss, and may leave the patient unable to communicate.
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Fortunately, 80% of stroke cases can be treated successfully. The key is to seek immediate medical attention after the symptoms begin. While it can be scary to think about the possibilities of losing your ability to function, if you have symptoms that are sudden and severe, it can significantly increase your chances of recovery. While many strokes can be cured, some are fatal and may require long-term rehabilitation. Thankfully, you can significantly increase your chances of survival by receiving the proper treatment as soon as possible.
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In addition to high blood pressure, stroke can occur in people with diabetes or atrial fibrillation. Genetic disorders can also cause strokes. Women are slightly less likely to suffer a stroke than men of the same age, and the stroke symptoms often occur at an older age. Women also experience a lower recovery rate than men and are more likely to die of the disease. It is important to get proper treatment early to prevent a stroke from worsening.
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Other factors that can cause a stroke include high blood pressure, diabetes, and smoking. The main culprit is high blood pressure and aging blood vessels. The risks for hemorrhagic stroke are increased by high blood pressure, a lack of exercise, and obesity. Even a clot can travel a long way from the heart to the brain. A stroke can be life-threatening if you can't move or speak or if you can't walk or talk.
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A CT scan of the head can help doctors detect a stroke faster and more effectively. MRIs of the head use a powerful magnetic field and radio frequency pulses to create detailed pictures of internal organs and structures. An MRI of the head is also useful for detecting cerebral blood vessels and evaluating damage caused by a stroke. The doctor may also order an electrocardiogram to see whether there are problems with the heart. The results from both CT and CTA will determine which therapies are most effective.