Symptoms of Stroke - Oren Zarif - Stroke
Although you may be unsure of the exact symptoms of stroke, there are some common ones that should be taken seriously. If you notice one or more of these signs, you should seek medical attention immediately. Although the symptoms of stroke often fade away, they are warning signs of a larger stroke. The symptoms of stroke include loss of consciousness and speech difficulty. Fortunately, these symptoms are treatable and can be reversed if recognized early. For the best chance of a stroke recovery, seek medical treatment as soon as possible.
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Although the symptoms of stroke vary from one person to another, they are typically the same. A stroke is a type of brain injury that results in damage to the brain. It results in a temporary or permanent loss of brain function, which can affect walking, talking, eating, reading, and socialising. A person who has suffered a stroke may feel tired, have difficulty understanding or remembering simple tasks, or experience other difficulties. Thankfully, there are many treatments and rehabilitation options for stroke victims.
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Symptoms of stroke vary, depending on the type. Ischemic stroke, for example, is characterized by a blockage in an artery. Hemorrhagic stroke, on the other hand, is caused by a ruptured or leaking blood vessel in the brain. In both cases, loss of blood flow damages brain tissues, causing various symptoms in the affected body parts. The symptoms of a stroke vary from patient to patient, depending on the location and size of the area affected.
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The risks of stroke are much higher for African Americans than they are for Caucasians. Those African Americans who suffer from strokes are twice as likely as Caucasian people to suffer another within two years. Ischemic stroke is usually characterized by blocked blood vessels in the brain and a severe reduction in blood flow. Because of this, brain cells are destroyed. As the body attempts to repair the damage caused by this blockage, blood clots form in the brain and enter the bloodstream.
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If you suspect that someone is experiencing a stroke, call 911 right away. It is important not to drive to the hospital right away, since an ambulance can begin life-saving treatment while the ambulance is traveling to the hospital. Once in the hospital, the stroke team will assess the patient and prescribe medication, surgery, or another procedure. The recovery time will depend on the severity of the stroke, but your doctor may recommend a rehabilitation program to help you return to a normal life.
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Treatment of stroke is complex and varies depending on the type of stroke and the location of the brain affected. Treatments for ischemic stroke include medications to prevent blood clots, blood pressure lowering medicines, and surgery to treat brain swelling. Some people who survive a stroke are left with long-term effects due to the damage to their brain. Sadly, many people never fully recover from stroke. So what are the treatments for stroke?
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Depending on the type of stroke, doctors may use a variety of diagnostic tests to rule out other causes. They may perform a head CT scan or MRI to see the cause of the stroke. If a clot is found, doctors may administer thrombolytic drugs to break it up. These drugs can block blood clots and reduce damage to the brain cells. Once diagnosed, treatment is dependent on the type of stroke and the location of the clots.
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80% of strokes are ischemic, meaning that the brain does not receive enough blood to support its tissues. Because the brain requires oxygen, a lack of this will lead to damage to the brain. Without enough oxygen and nutrients, brain cells begin to die. This can lead to severe disabilities and lifelong disability. Early diagnosis and treatment of a stroke can dramatically reduce the chances of disability and death. In some cases, however, a stroke may result in death.
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The symptoms of a stroke vary from person to person. A mini-stroke usually resolves spontaneously and the person returns to normal functioning. A major stroke is more serious and usually results in permanent damage to brain tissue. The recovery time depends on the severity of the stroke, and if treatment is delayed, the prognosis will worsen. A full stroke is more likely than a TIA, involving large areas of brain tissue.
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Lifestyle changes and medicines are important to prevent a stroke. While a previous stroke increases your risk of a stroke, other lifestyle factors can be changed. For example, people who are overweight or obese are at a higher risk for a stroke. They may also be on medication to control certain risk factors. The best way to reduce a stroke risk is to quit smoking. Your doctor can provide you with advice on quitting. Heavy alcohol consumption is also a major risk factor.