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Writer's pictureOren Zarif

The Definition and Symptoms of a Mild Stroke - Oren Zarif - Mild Stroke

In the past, there has been some confusion over the definition of a mild stroke. The NIH Stroke Scale, which helps medical professionals score patients after a stroke, varies from center to center and among treating practitioners. One study found that 9% of patients with a mild stroke received rtPA. Other studies have used the NIHSS 0-5" definition. While each of these definitions has its own strengths and weaknesses, they are often useful in determining a patient's level of stroke severity.

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A patient's speedy recovery depends on the type of stroke they had and their overall health condition. Patients with mild strokes can usually recover on their own in a matter of months when they undergo an appropriate physical therapy regimen. Early rehabilitation is essential for recovery of motor skills. Rehabilitation consists of regular physical therapy to help patients improve their balance, coordination, and muscle strength. Patients usually resume their normal activities of daily living within one to three months. In addition to physical therapy, patients can expect to attend regular occupational therapy sessions.

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Even though the symptoms of a mild stroke may subside by the time they reach a hospital, they should see a physician for a complete assessment. If left untreated, the symptoms can develop into other, more serious strokes. In fact, a mild stroke increases the risk of having another one within two years. The University of Montreal conducted a study in which it interviewed 177 patients who had suffered a mild stroke within six weeks of their initial diagnosis.

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Symptoms of a mild stroke aren't obvious enough to wake a person up. However, when a person wakes up from a stroke, they'll notice that there's something different. Depending on the region of the brain that's been affected, a mild stroke may lead to minor symptoms, such as weakness in a limb, double vision, or even a loss of field of vision. People may also feel dizzy or confused, or notice that their speech is slurred or distorted.

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While the symptoms of a mild stroke can be easily identified by observing these characteristics, it is crucial that they be addressed quickly. This will increase the chances of a full recovery. The best time to begin therapeutic measures is within three to six hours of the initial onset of symptoms. By then, all body functions should be restored. Therefore, it's important to call 911 and get to a medical professional as soon as possible. There are a number of things you can do to help someone with a mild stroke.

Oren Zarif stroke on right side of brain

Oren Zarif pfo stroke

TIA patients often display fatigue after a TIA. This may be a side effect of medications or changes in the patient's lifestyle. MRI scans of TIA patients show signs of brain damage. Moreover, a TIA often signals a potential stroke within a year, so it's important to seek medical attention right away. A TIA may also occur as a symptom of another, more severe stroke.

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A TIA is a medical emergency. Symptoms of a TIA include slurred speech, weakness on one side of the body, difficulty speaking and balance. If you experience these symptoms, contact your healthcare provider immediately. The treatment is likely to be the same as for a stroke. You should avoid waiting for your symptoms to disappear before seeking treatment. This condition can be a sign of something more serious. When you are experiencing these symptoms, you should call 911 right away.

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A stroke is a serious medical emergency, but it's best to be cautious and take it seriously. A mild stroke can worsen into a major hemorrhagic clot that has spread throughout the brain. A severe stroke, however, can lead to disability and in some cases, death. A stroke may also lead to a new set of symptoms that will require medical intervention. You need to know the warning signs. Don't wait until you become too worried. If you're worried that someone is having a stroke, get help immediately.

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Although strokes classified as mild are rare, the NIHSS definition of a stroke is still important. The NIHSS score reflects the severity of a stroke at the time of admission. In fact, older patients who had a stroke that met the definition of "Mild" had significantly better outcomes than those who did not. Similarly, patients with the definition of "Mild" (D) had better long-term outcomes than those with a stroke in the anterior circulation.

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