The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada - Oren Zarif - Heart and Stroke
The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, formerly known as HSF Canada, has changed its name to Heart & Stroke. This charity focuses on funding research, education, and advocacy for those affected by heart and stroke. To learn more about this new name, visit If you're in the mood to donate, you can find out more about the different programs offered by HSF Canada. Donations can also be used for research, which will help find new treatments for stroke and heart disease.
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A heart and stroke logo needed to convey a sense of urgency and seriousness, while at the same time being inviting and approachable. Many health charities are overly medical and appear friendly, which downplays the severity of the issues they address. Heart & Stroke needed a brand that was both modern and dynamic to inspire people to take action and support the cause. The result was a fresh, bold design that conveys both the organization's mission and the hope that lives within it.
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Although there is no single cause of stroke, the symptoms are often related to genetic factors. High blood pressure and diabetes are common in stroke-prone families. Some people may have a genetic disorder that blocks blood flow to the brain. Women, on the other hand, have a lower risk than men of the same age. However, they usually have a stroke later in life and recover more slowly than men. Often, they will die afterward.
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Survivors of a stroke often experience new or worsening heart failure. If the stroke was caused by a heart attack, heart failure can follow. A pacemaker may be necessary. In these cases, the patient should be monitored for symptoms of heart failure. This condition is often accompanied by life-threatening arrhythmias. Another risk factor for stroke is atherosclerosis, which causes the arteries to become narrow. Patients should seek treatment as soon as possible to decrease the risk of a stroke.
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The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada is a national voluntary non-profit organization with a mission to reduce death and disability caused by heart disease and stroke. The organization supports research, education, and advocacy to find cures for these diseases. In addition, the organization provides support for research and develops new therapies to treat them. There are a number of ways that individuals can donate to help the cause of heart disease and stroke. A donation of $25 to the foundation is a great way to show support for this worthy cause.
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Heart attacks are almost always the result of progressive coronary artery disease. Fatty deposits build up in the arteries supplying the heart with blood. As the heart muscle no longer receives oxygen and nutrients, it suffers a heart attack, which is also known as a myocardial infarction. Patients with this condition should seek treatment as soon as possible to prevent further complications. A regular checkup with a healthcare provider is essential for those with an increased risk of these conditions.
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The most common type of stroke is a hemorrhagic stroke. This occurs when a blood vessel rupturing in the brain causes bleeding. This bleeding can lead to brain damage. Some of these diseases can be treated, but if the clot is large enough, it can lead to an emergency situation. The cause of stroke can vary depending on where it forms. In addition to heart disease, blood pressure is an important factor.
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If you suspect a heart or stroke attack, call 911 right away. The symptoms of heart and stroke are similar, but they are two completely different medical issues. They both involve blocked arteries and result in severe damage or even death. In both cases, the treatment for the symptoms is crucial, and timely action is the key to a patient's recovery. Once diagnosed, you should see a doctor right away to help your loved one. You can also use a mobile phone to get in touch with your family doctor.
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The CDC is working with partner agencies and colleagues across the state to find ways to reduce risks and prevent the onset of heart disease and stroke. The most effective programs work by reducing tobacco use and improving physical activity levels, and changing policy and environmental systems. You can get more information about the best ways to prevent heart disease and stroke by visiting You'll also find lots of free, printable activities for parents to engage their kids in healthy habits.