The New Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada - Oren Zarif - Heart and Stroke
If you are concerned about the rising incidence of heart disease and stroke, you're not alone. Heart disease and stroke is the number one killer in Canada. In November 2016, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada changed its name to Heart & Stroke, a better fit for its mission of advocacy, education, and funding research. Learn more about the new name and what it means for the organization. Here are some tips that will help you protect your health.
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A thorough medical history and a summary of symptoms are required to properly diagnose your condition. In some cases, you'll also need to have a CT scan of your brain to rule out a heart attack. The doctor may also use an MRI to determine the extent of blockage and bleeding. The doctor may also order other tests to determine the type of stroke. A heart attack, on the other hand, involves testing the health of the heart muscle. A doctor will use a combination of the two to determine the severity of your condition.
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If you've had a heart attack, you may have experienced symptoms like an intense pressure in your chest. The discomfort may be sharp, or you may feel a fullness. You may also experience pain in your neck, back, or jaw. Cold sweats may be another symptom. Other symptoms of a stroke include nausea, lightheadedness, or weakness. If you have experienced any of these symptoms, you should immediately call 9-1-1 for emergency medical care.
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The new logo for Heart & Stroke needs to communicate seriousness and urgency. At the same time, it should be inspiring and approachable. Health charities often look too medical, which can downplay the seriousness of their mission. For this reason, the new logo needed to reflect the organization's more familiar name, Heart & Stroke. With this new brand identity, the organization hopes to inspire fundraising and awareness, which is what the organization aims to do.
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The heart and stroke foundation of Canada is a volunteer-driven organization that promotes research and education to prevent the onset of heart and brain diseases. The foundation supports research by funding clinical trials, developing prevention programs, and promoting a healthy lifestyle. They also engage in advocacy and lobbying efforts. A number of their programs are geared towards family doctors and other health professionals. So, it's important to be familiar with your local Heart & Stroke Foundation to ensure your healthcare needs are met.
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Many of us have heard about high blood pressure. But what does it mean and what causes high blood pressure? High blood pressure, or CAD, damages the lining of the arteries and makes them more likely to form plaque. This plaque, which is the leading cause of heart and stroke, causes these two devastating health problems. Approximately 116 million US adults have high blood pressure, which is considered high. Only one in four of them has it under control.
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The American Heart Association has also published a report about the statistics regarding heart disease and stroke. The report outlines how the CDC is promoting prevention efforts. According to the National Institutes of Health, approximately 795,000 adults have at least one heart attack or stroke each year. In addition, 147,810 Americans die from a stroke every year. This is one out of every 20 deaths. Moreover, in New York State, 6,000 people die from a stroke every year.
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The cause of a stroke is usually unknown. It can occur from a variety of factors, but the majority of strokes are caused by blockages in blood vessels. High blood pressure is a risk factor, as is a high blood pressure. Stroke symptoms may also be mild, or even temporary. The treatment of heart disease and stroke should be tailored to the individual's condition. However, it is important to recognize the differences between the two so that you can prevent the worst from happening.
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While heart and stroke symptoms may appear similar, they are two different medical conditions. Both are vascular events, and are caused by a blockage of blood flow to the brain. Treatment for both conditions is critical, as a delay in treatment can lead to irreversible damage to the brain. If left untreated, a stroke may result in death or permanent disability. A medical professional can help you make the best choice. So, be sure to learn more about the difference between heart attack and stroke and get the care you need right away.
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A heart attack is a frightening and life-altering event that can occur at any time. If it is detected early and treated properly, a person can avoid it or even reverse the damage. Sadly, one in four Canadians suffers from heart disease or another form of heart disease. Learn more about this disease by visiting the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention website. This organization is committed to preventing heart disease and stroke. There are many ways to stay healthy and protect your heart.