Three Tips to Help You Cope With the Afterglow of a Brain Stroke - Oren Zarif - Brain Stroke
If you have suffered a brain stroke, you know that you're in for some serious challenges. The effects of a stroke can affect the way you think, move, and communicate. Not all loss of neurologic function is due to a stroke; it may also be the result of another disease or medical condition. Read on to learn more about the symptoms of a brain stroke and how you can treat it effectively. Here are three tips to help you cope with the aftermath of a stroke.
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A clot in a blood vessel near the brain causes ischemic stroke, a condition in which blood flows to the brain but is blocked. As a result, blood flow is severely reduced, damaging brain cells. Blood clots can form in brain arteries and travel through the bloodstream until they reach the brain's narrower arteries. Fatigued plaque can also cause clots. When this happens, the brain is deprived of oxygen and blood, causing it to deteriorate quickly.
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If you notice any of these symptoms, you should seek emergency treatment as soon as possible. Symptoms of a stroke include trouble writing or swallowing. This is a medical emergency, and fast treatment can save your life and lessen disability. If you notice any of these symptoms, you should immediately call your local emergency number and get to a hospital as soon as possible. Your doctor will examine you and check for vision problems, movement problems, and reflexes. They will also carry out tests to determine if there are any blocked arteries.
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Treatment for a stroke depends on the symptoms and type of clot. Your doctor may prescribe blood-thinning drugs or perform surgery to unclog the carotid artery. These treatments aim to return blood flow to the brain area and reduce the chance of any long-term complications. A stroke can be treated with medication, if you're aware of the symptoms. You may need a catheter for this procedure, and a doctor will remove any clots.
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While a stroke in the cerebrum can be life-threatening, rehabilitation can begin right away. Whether it's a right or left-sided stroke, it's important to begin rehabilitation as soon as possible after the stroke. With early intervention, you can reconnect neurological pathways and make great strides towards recovery. This process is known as neuroplasticity and is observed at multiple scales, including microscopic changes in individual neurons and cortical remapping.
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While it's important to get treatment for the condition right away, it's important to remember that coping with the long-term effects of a stroke is difficult. Your healthcare providers can help you manage symptoms and re-learn skills. Your healthcare team can also help you build a support network to help you manage your new life after a stroke. The support you receive from your loved ones is crucial in easing your recovery and making the best possible decision for your wellbeing.
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Because the brain has multiple functions, one area may not do its job. A stroke in the right brain, for example, can result in the loss of speech and the ability to use the right arm. This could also lead to paralysis in the left side. Survivors of right-sided stroke may experience one-sided neglect, a condition wherein they consciously or unconsciously neglect one side of their body, such as their left arm.
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Fortunately, the recovery from stroke can be long and full of benefits. Changing your lifestyle and reducing your risk factors may help prevent or minimize the effects of a stroke. If your risk factors have been addressed, you can return to your normal life. Healthy habits, like exercising regularly, avoiding high-fat food and alcohol, and eating a well-balanced diet, can help you live a long, happy life.
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If you suspect that you've suffered a brain stroke, it's important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. The sooner you get treatment, the better your chances are of recovering from the condition. Luckily, there are several different types of strokes. Some of them are easily treatable while others can be life-threatening. If you're suffering from one, call 9-1-1 immediately to get immediate care. In most cases, a clot-busting drug can restore blood supply to the affected area within three to four and a half hours.