Transient Ischemic Attack Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Transient Ischemic Attack
Transient ischemic attack (TIA) symptoms are common, but not life-threatening. A doctor will first ask you about your symptoms and any other health issues. They may even order a brain scan, which can help determine what's causing your symptoms. Your doctor will also order blood work and an electrocardiogram to check for signs of heart problems or stroke risk factors. Once you've been diagnosed with a TIA, your doctor will decide how to proceed.
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In addition to genetics, a person's age and gender may increase their risk for a TIA. Lifestyle changes, such as not smoking, and limiting alcohol, can lower the risk. Other risk factors for a TIA include heredity, age, gender, and ethnicity. Some people may have a family history of stroke, which is another cause for concern. Patients with transient ischemic attack are also at increased risk of a second attack within a year of their first.
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Fortunately, TIAs are treatable and a quick recognition is key. Symptoms of a TIA are a warning sign that a stroke may be imminent. Proper care should be sought immediately. For example, if you notice a sudden drop in blood pressure, you should seek medical attention immediately. Symptoms of a TIA may last from 1 to 2 hours. If you notice any of these signs, seek medical treatment as soon as possible.
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While most TIAs are short-lived, they can occur frequently. You may experience only one episode or several. TIAs can occur several times over the course of a lifetime, but they can be a sign of future strokes. A doctor may prescribe blood thinners to reduce your risk. Your doctor may also recommend surgery. As with any other health condition, healthy habits such as not smoking and eating a healthy diet can reduce your risk.
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While the initial definition of TIA referred to a brief loss of consciousness, the new definition emphasizes the presence of a neurological deficit without signs of parenchymal damage. Symptoms with evidence of infarction are now considered a stroke and carry a high risk of recurrence. Though the new definitions are more accurate than the old ones, they rely heavily on imaging, which is not always available at the point of care.
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TIAs often occur in young people who are more vulnerable to developing strokes. Symptoms can range from mild to severe and last as little as 30 minutes. The diagnosis of TIA is a complex process and the diagnosis should not be relied on a single case. The CDC recommends treating TIAs as soon as possible after symptoms occur. The TIA definition is still the gold standard, but some studies have found that it's important to monitor the symptoms for other possible conditions.
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TIAs usually occur days or hours before a stroke. Whenever you feel any of these symptoms, call 911 immediately. Emergency medical services can perform imaging of the brain and blood vessels and determine the best treatment for your symptoms. While most doctors and medical offices cannot diagnose or treat a TIA, EMS can begin treatment right away. Because these tests and interpretations take time, a TIA diagnosis may be delayed or aggravated.
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TIA symptoms occur as the result of narrowing of the major arteries to the brain. The carotid arteries supply oxygenated blood to the brain cells and may become clogged with plaque. This plaque can lead to the formation of blood clots, which further narrows the artery and may eventually block it completely. The blood clot may travel to smaller branches in the brain, and obstruct the flow to the area being fed by the artery.
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Once the patient is stabilized, a blood pressure reduction is recommended. This will lower the risk of ischemic stroke and other vascular events. Once a patient's blood pressure is reduced by 10/5 mm Hg, antihypertensive therapy can begin. It is important to follow your doctor's instructions and stick with your medications. This way, you'll reduce your risk for a second TIA.
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If you have TIA, it's important to know that a stroke may be looming. This type of stroke is the most common and devastating. During a stroke, a blood clot blocks the blood flow to a specific area of the brain. A TIA, however, only affects a small portion of the brain, and the symptoms will not last. This type of stroke is also caused by fatty deposits in the blood vessels, and if you have atrial fibrillation, your risk of developing this condition will be higher.