Traumatic Brain Injury - Oren Zarif - Brain Damage
Traumatic brain injury is the most common cause of severe damage to the brain. It is distinguished from congenital or genetic disorders by the term "acquired brain injury." Traumatic brain injury is further broken down into "primary" and secondary" types, and focal and diffuse, based on how severe it is. Damage is also measured using measures such as the duration of loss of consciousness and the level of amnesia. The brain's neuroplasticity, or ability to adjust to changes, is an important factor in determining the extent of damage.
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Symptoms of traumatic brain injury will vary, but usually include unconsciousness for more than 30 minutes. Severe TBI results in unconsciousness that lasts for more than 24 hours. Although symptoms are similar to those of mild traumatic brain injury, they are more severe and may last for months. Rehabilitation is vital, but the road to recovery may be long and bumpy. If a brain injury is not treated early, symptoms could worsen or even disappear completely.
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Injuries to the brain cause emotional changes. A sudden impact, for example, can disrupt the chemicals that control brain functions. This can alter normal brain cell function and cause impairment. Depending on the type of injury and the severity of the damage, counseling may be necessary. During this time, emotional changes can be very disruptive and can cause significant stress for the person who has suffered traumatic brain damage. A physician may recommend psychotherapy to help them cope with the changes.
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Traumatic brain injury is often characterized by swelling. The skull surrounding the brain prevents it from expanding, which makes it difficult for the brain to function normally. The swelling can increase intracranial pressure, which increases the chance of further brain damage. The goal of treatment during the early phase of TBI is to reduce the intracranial pressure as much as possible. When this pressure is too high, blood cannot flow to the brain tissues and causes further damage.
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Traumatic brain injury occurs when a person is struck by an object, often in a violent manner. The impact can cause significant damage to the brain and affect the way the person thinks. While traumatic brain injuries result from an accident, they are the most common cause of severe trauma in children and older adults. Violent assaults and vehicle-related collisions are also common causes of severe brain damage, as is "shaken baby syndrome."
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Patients with moderate to severe traumatic brain injuries may develop seizures during the first week after the incident. Additional medications are given to prevent seizures and reduce brain inflammation, blood loss, and reduced oxygen supply. In addition to these medications, patients may require surgery to correct skull fractures, repair bleeding vessels, or relieve high intracranial pressure. For more severe brain injuries, a neurologist may recommend MRI and other diagnostic tests to determine the extent of the damage.
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Doctors can measure the severity of the brain damage after a head injury by using the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS). These scores are based on the patient's physical, emotional, and cognitive responses. If a patient scores thirteen to fifteen, the likelihood of brain damage is low. However, the severity of the injury may prevent recovery from occurring. The brain is a complex organ, and recovery may be slow and difficult. It may even take several years to complete.
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There are two types of brain injuries: open head injury and closed head injury. The former occurs when the head is suddenly struck, such as in a motor vehicle accident. The latter occurs when the head moves quickly, causing the brain to rotate and bruise. This rotation can tear blood vessels and axons. Damage can occur anywhere on the brain, and the former can occur in certain areas of the brain. The former can also involve bleeding and bruising.
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Traumatic brain injuries can also affect movement, including balance. If a TBI has caused damage to a person's motor cortex, they may be unable to play sports. They may also have trouble concentrating or staying active for extended periods of time. Moreover, they may also have trouble paying attention, memorizing new information, or retaining new skills. They may also have difficulty judging, remembering, and interpreting speech and movement.
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A mild to moderate TBI can be treated with over-the-counter pain relievers. It is also recommended to follow your health care provider's recommendations, such as gradually returning to normal activities. If your symptoms do not improve or persist, contact a medical professional. For moderate to severe TBI, your health care provider will stabilize you by monitoring blood pressure, assessing blood flow, and examining the pressure inside the skull. If the swelling is severe enough, surgery may be necessary to relieve the pressure on the brain. Rehabilitation may include physical therapy and speech therapy.