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Traumatic Brain Injury - Oren Zarif - Brain Injury

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

There are many risks associated with traumatic brain injury (TBI), including motor vehicle collisions. To reduce your risk, make sure your car is properly maintained, follow traffic rules, and wear a seat belt. Additionally, protect your head by wearing a helmet or protective gear. While these measures may help you avoid an accident, brain injury can cause long-lasting effects. After all, the damage that occurs in a traumatic brain injury cannot be reversed.

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Treatment for traumatic brain injuries depends on the severity of the injuries. For moderate to severe injuries, doctors may prescribe medicines that help stabilize blood pressure and blood flow in the brain. Anti-infection medications are also available. Since any device that is placed in the patient's body can introduce microbes, doctors may administer antibiotics to prevent infection. Surgery may be required to repair skull fractures, stop bleeding, remove blood clots, and relieve pressure in the skull. Depending on the extent of the injury, surgery may be necessary to restore function.

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There are two types of TBI: traumatic and nontraumatic. Both types can result in focal or widespread brain damage. Nontraumatic TBI can be caused by events such as choking, seizure, or a near-fatal drowning. While TBI is more common in younger people, it can still happen to anyone. This condition can be life-threatening, so the sooner you get treated the better. You should also consult with a doctor about the types of TBI that you have.

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Bruising of the brain is caused by the coup-contrecoup mechanism. When the brain meets the skull, a blood vessel is torn. The blood spills out and causes swelling. It can also tear internal tissue. When blood spills into the skull, the bruising may cause internal bleeding and damage to the brain. Depending on how severe the brain injury is, it is crucial to seek medical attention to ensure the best care possible.

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MRI and CT scans are important diagnostic tools in the diagnosis of traumatic brain injury. CT scans are noninvasive X-rays that produce detailed images of the brain. CT scans are often performed on the day of the accident and are a critical part of the medical team's evaluation. They help assess the extent of injury, if a patient has fractures, bleeding in the brain, and other symptoms. However, the results of these tests are not always immediate.

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There are several different types of TBI and a person is likely to experience more than one type of brain injury. In fact, most TBI patients have several types of injuries, and the severity of these injuries will depend on the cause. While TBI can be mild, it can impact the person's behavior, emotions, and short-term memory. It may affect their ability to control impulses or perform daily activities. No matter what kind of brain injury you experience, it's important to seek medical attention immediately.

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Severe head injuries may last a few days or even weeks. In some cases, coma is prolonged, but recovery can occur over a few days. In severe cases, the person may experience profound confusion, headaches, and agitation. In general, the recovery of consciousness is gradual, lasting between six to seven days. Further improvement may be observed after two years of injury. So, it's important to get the necessary medical care at the onset.

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If the accident caused serious damage to the head, you should call 911 immediately. Don't move the person until emergency medical personnel arrive, as this may make the injury worse. Emergency medical personnel are trained to move the injured patient carefully. Your mental state will be evaluated by using the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), a 15-point test that evaluates the severity of brain injury. A high score means the injury is not as serious as it looks on the surface.

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Diffuse axonal injury occurs when the brain rotates within the boney skull. In this case, tears in the brain's connections between the nerves result in varying degrees of damage. Large tears may lead to death. While the effects of a DAIS may not be obvious at first glance, they can lead to permanent brain damage. This is especially true in sports injuries. Although there is no definitive cure for traumatic brain injury, it can help your recovery.

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Hemorrhages can also result in a hematoma, or a blood clot. A hematoma can form anywhere in the brain, including the cerebrum. A subdural hematoma forms between the skull and dura, while an intracerebral hematoma forms deep within brain tissue. If a clot is large enough, it may be surgically removed. If you have any questions about the symptoms of TBI, consult your health care provider.

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