Traumatic Brain Injury - Oren Zarif - Brain Injury
Treatment for a Brain Injury can vary depending on the type and extent of the injury. Depending on the severity and location of the brain injury, you may receive noninvasive X-rays or a CT scan. CT scans can reveal fractures or bleeding in the brain. They can also help your physician determine the appropriate treatment and guide your decision making. If you suspect a brain injury, visit a doctor immediately. However, if you think you have suffered a mild injury, you can try self-care remedies and treatments.
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While treatment for a brain injury varies, the goal is to maximize the person's ability to regain function. Positive reinforcement is especially important as it promotes self-esteem and a sense of independence. A successful brain injury rehabilitation program will help the patient return to the highest level of function and improve overall quality of life. In most cases, brain injuries are treatable. However, you may not be able to regain full functionality immediately after a brain injury, so the best way to determine the proper treatment for you is to speak to a physician.
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Although the symptoms of traumatic brain injury often aren't evident in the early stages, they may persist for many years. While severe head injuries may take years to heal, immediate symptoms of a brain injury include loss of consciousness and confusion. Brain bruises and bleeding may also occur, although large areas of bleeding may require surgery. The damage caused by a brain injury is also likely to increase the risk of developing dementia and other brain diseases in the future.
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Bruising of the brain after a head blow is called a coup-contrecoup mechanism. A direct blow to the head will cause the brain to swell because the brain cannot expand. When intracranial pressure is high, the blood can't reach the damaged brain tissue, causing further damage. Therefore, treatment for a TBI focuses on decreasing intracranial pressure. Once intracranial pressure has reached dangerous levels, the brain will become inflamed and cause further damage.
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In mild brain injuries, the main treatment is over-the-counter pain relievers. If the symptoms improve, you can gradually return to normal activities. However, if you find that you are experiencing difficulty in performing your daily activities, contact your health care provider right away. During moderate to severe TBI, health care providers stabilize the patient by monitoring the blood pressure and oxygen levels in the brain. They may also administer an intravenous drip to manage the bleeding and reduce the risk of infection.
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While the symptoms of traumatic brain injury are varied, they are usually temporary. Some symptoms may appear right after the injury while others may not appear until days or weeks afterward. Although they can be temporary, some people may experience symptoms for months or even years. The best way to prevent them is to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. A doctor will evaluate you after your accident to determine the severity of your injuries and what treatment is appropriate for you. The sooner you receive the treatment, the better.
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A GCS test is performed at regular intervals in the neurointensive care unit to evaluate your condition. If you are unconscious for more than three minutes, you most likely have a mild TBI. If you have a more serious injury, however, a GCS test may indicate a severe TBI. Your doctor will determine if a CT scan is necessary for your recovery. Your doctor will also recommend a coma treatment plan if you need it.
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Some common types of brain injury include traumatic and non-traumatic. Traumatic brain injury occurs when an external force disrupts normal brain function, such as a fall or debris. Non-traumatic brain injury can also be caused by medical conditions like aneurysms or cardiac arrest. Non-traumatic injuries can also occur from exposure to toxins or drugs. Depending on the type of injury, your recovery may be temporary or even permanent. This can lead to cognitive and emotional problems.
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Acute TBI can result in serious problems like bleeding in the brain. Diffuse axonal injuries, on the other hand, damage the brain cells without bleeding. These types of injuries are more serious than the latter and may lead to death. Axonal injuries may even lead to permanent problems in the patient. When these injuries occur, it's important to seek medical attention right away. A traumatic TBI can cause permanent damage to a person's brain.