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Traumatic Brain Injury - Oren Zarif - Tbi

Writer: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a form of brain damage that results from a sudden trauma. TBI is divided into mild and severe categories, with mild TBI characterized by loss of consciousness and confusion for less than 30 minutes. Other symptoms of mild TBI include attention deficit, memory problems, and mood swings. While mild TBI is relatively uncommon, the consequences of this type of brain damage are often devastating for the individual and their family.

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Mild TBIs require minimal treatment and will resolve on their own in a few weeks. Severe TBIs, however, may require hospitalization and more intensive therapies. Patients may need counseling to cope with the injuries and may undergo surgery to reduce pressure in the brain. Other treatments, such as physical therapy or occupational therapy, may also be helpful. In addition to these treatments, some people also require rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury. In addition to physical therapy, patients may be referred for speech or occupational therapy.

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If symptoms persist, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. While it is unlikely that you will be able to reverse the damage to your brain, TBI is treatable. A trained medical provider will stabilize you while you recover. They will make sure you get the right kind of treatment for your condition. Once you are stabilized, you can gradually return to normal activities. If your symptoms do not improve within two weeks, contact your health care provider for further treatment.

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Mild TBI symptoms include confusion, headache, lightheadedness, dizziness, fatigue, and blurred vision. More severe TBIs will require surgery to remove hematomas and repair contusions. The type and severity of disability a person develops will depend on the location of the TBI, age, and general health of the individual. Common symptoms of mild TBI include problems with cognition, memory, and reasoning, trouble with balance, and behavioral problems.

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If you're unsure whether or not your child has suffered a TBI, make sure you learn as much as you can about the condition. There are many resources and organizations dedicated to providing information about TBI. Also, when you see a medical team, don't be afraid to ask questions. Tell them what you know, and what you think. If they don't, you won't feel comfortable discussing your child's condition in detail.

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Neurocritical care is the intensive treatment for patients with a severe TBI. Neurocritical care focuses on treating the patient's complicated neurological needs. Patients are awakened every hour for nurses to assess their condition. Some severe TBI patients are paralyzed or comatose. They may have injuries in other parts of their body. A neurointensivist oversees the complex neurological care for patients in this stage of care.

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While the general medical team provides daily care for a person with a TBI, special medical teams will coordinate treatment and manage medicines. A team of neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, and trauma surgeons may also be part of the team. The patient will need intensive care, so a critical care doctor may be consulted as well. These specialists will monitor the patient's condition and provide additional medical care if necessary. The team will also have chaplains and psychologists to provide emotional support.

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Traumatic brain injuries are especially common in young children. Their small skulls and weak necks contribute to the vulnerability to TBI. They are naturally clumsy, and may be at risk of injury from a variety of sources. TBIs can be life-threatening and should not be taken lightly. While the severity of these injuries depends on the severity of the incident, the outcome is often fatal or very disabling. There is no single test or treatment for TBI, but a combination of tests will determine whether it is necessary to perform a thorough evaluation.

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Although the majority of TBIs can be recovered within a few weeks or months, severe TBIs may require a long time. It is not possible to determine the outcome of a severe TBI in the first few days or weeks, but many people will eventually regain consciousness. Recovery usually follows a step-by-step process, with most patients moving from vegetative to minimally conscious to fully aware. Some people will remain in a post-traumatic confusional state for months or years.

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The prevalence of TBI varies widely across the population. Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that older adults are more likely than young children to sustain TBI. However, TBIs are also more common in infants, and males are more likely than females in almost all age groups. For more information about TBI, visit the CDC. They publish reports about these injuries. It is important to understand the risk factors that may cause TBI.


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