Treatment For a Brain Bleed - Oren Zarif - Brain Bleed
A brain bleed occurs when a blood vessel in the brain breaks, causing bleeding into the tissue of the brain. While this type of bleed is rare, severe bleeding may cause edema and compression of the brain. The blood vessels in the brain are also vulnerable to spontaneous bleeding, which occurs most often due to a precipitating factor such as physical activity or strong emotions. Because of the high blood pressure, the symptoms of a brain bleed vary depending on the area of the brain in which it occurs.
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While the majority of brain bleeds are treatable and do not result in death, subarachnoid hemorrhages require immediate medical attention. Without prompt treatment, patients can suffer irreversible damage to their brain and even die. Although the symptoms of subarachnoid hemorrhage are similar to those of other types of brain bleeding, the patient may experience a severe headache or even lose consciousness for a short period of time.
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Depending on the severity of the bleeding, treatment for a brain bleed can be extensive and complex. A subdural hematoma, a brain tumor, or part of the skull may require surgery. Afterwards, a patient may require rehabilitation and may be given prescription medications to control seizures. Treatment for a brain bleed varies depending on the severity of the hemorrhage and the patient's overall health.
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If the cause of the bleeding is not known, neurosurgery is often performed to remove the blood from the subarachnoid space and stop the bleeding. This is typically followed by careful observation for a specified amount of time. Hyperventilation and medication are also used to control the blood pressure while a patient recovers. If necessary, a person may need to undergo a coma. While surgery is not always the best option, neurosurgery may be the best option for a large bleed.
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A person with a brain bleed may have symptoms including a severe headache, blurred vision, weakness on one side of the body, stiff neck, or loss of consciousness. Despite the obvious symptoms, a person suffering from a brain bleed should seek medical attention as soon as possible. They should immediately contact their doctor or 911 for immediate treatment. If symptoms persist, the bleeding could be more severe or even life-threatening. The brain bleed can be caused by a ruptured artery or by a stroke.
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Although most cases of brain bleeds occur as a result of physical head trauma, there are several other causes. High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of this condition, and it weakens the walls of the brain's arteries. High blood pressure can also result in a stroke, but the good news is that it is usually treatable. Another cause is a weak blood vessel in the brain called an aneurysm. These can also lead to increased bleeding.
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The most common causes of brain bleeds are motor vehicle accidents, bicycle crashes, falls, assaults, and other traumatic incidents. By identifying common events that trigger brain injury, victims of these accidents can identify possible causes of brain bleeds and seek compensation from negligent parties. As many as eighty percent of all head trauma is caused by falls, children are the most likely demographic to sustain one. Those who sustain head trauma can seek compensation by filing a lawsuit against the responsible party.
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A ruptured aneurysm causes subarachnoid hemorrhage, which puts pressure on the entire brain. While this type of bleed may be relatively minor, it can be fatal. A ruptured aneurysm can lead to subarachnoid hemorrhage and intracranial hematoma. Some people suffer permanent brain damage, while others recover. It's important to seek medical attention immediately after experiencing a brain hemorrhage.
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When a damaged blood vessel ruptures in the brain, it causes intracerebral hemorrhage, or ICH. The blood collected in the ICH may form a hematoma or blood clot and put increased pressure on the brain. ICH can occur near the surface of the brain or deep within the brain. Deep hemorrhages may also enlarge into the ventricles, which can block the normal flow of CSF.