Treatment For a Brain Bleed - Oren Zarif - Brain Bleed
While most patients who suffer from a Brain Bleed will require some type of emergency medical treatment, not all of them will die. In fact, only the most severe cases can lead to death. The treatment options for this condition depend on the size of the bleeding, location, and swelling. Although the chances of recovery are slim, prompt treatment can help you improve significantly. Here are some of the treatments available in this case. Read on to learn more.
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Symptoms of Brain Bleed may be mild or severe, depending on the location of the bleed. Some people may experience sharp headaches or confusion as the result of brain bleeding, but these symptoms can vary depending on the location of the bleed and its cause. Your physician will most likely perform imaging tests to determine the cause and extent of the bleeding. An electroencephalogram, chest X-ray, urinalysis, blood studies, and a spinal tap are all common diagnostic tests for a brain bleed. MRIs will help to locate any aneurysms if they are present.
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There are many causes of a brain bleed, including a stroke, a head injury, a blood vessel abnormality, or a tumor. Brain hemorrhage can severely reduce oxygen delivery to the brain and cause extra pressure, which may eventually kill brain cells. As a result, treatment for a brain bleed must be sought as soon as possible. Call a doctor immediately if you suspect you have a brain bleed. If the bleeding is serious, call 911 to be sure it is an emergency.
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Symptoms of a brain bleed may include a new headache, confusion, numbness, shakiness, and seizures. In severe cases, the bleeding may result in a stroke. Whether the bleeding is internal or external, it is important to seek medical attention right away. Often, a patient suffering from a bleed in the brain will develop symptoms of a stroke within a few hours of the incident.
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Surgery may be necessary to remove trapped blood. A surgeon can remove a tumor or drain excess fluid inside the brain. A procedure that clips an abnormal blood vessel may also be used. This procedure can prevent further bleeding and may even prevent seizures caused by the rupture. While medical treatment for a brain bleed can be difficult, it can be life-saving for some patients. In the case of a ruptured aneurysm, medications are usually prescribed to treat the symptoms.
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In addition to bleeding in the brain, people who smoke, drink heavily, and use drugs can also suffer from a brain bleed. In addition to the various causes, certain prescription medications can increase your risk for developing a brain hemorrhage. Symptoms of a brain bleed vary depending on the location, severity, and amount of brain tissue that is affected. They can occur suddenly or gradually over time, and overlap with other conditions.
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A brain bleed occurs in three different locations in the head. The three layers of membranes surrounding the brain cover the tissue and protect it. These layers are called the dura mater, arachnoid, and pia mater. When the blood clot ruptures a vein in the dura mater, the area between the dura mater and skull bone is called the epidural hematoma.
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While a mild brain bleed can be completely recovered, more serious bleeds can lead to lasting effects. If the bleeding is severe, a child may have learning disabilities or even cerebral palsy. If a baby is diagnosed with a brain bleed, their parents should contact their pediatrician. They will need to undergo monitoring for a day or two. In addition, newborns who have suffered from a brain bleed should be given a special care plan by their pediatrician to prevent complications during delivery.
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A brain bleed can lead to hydrocephalus, which causes a buildup of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain. If it is left untreated, the pressure and pain may damage the brainstem. A lumbar puncture, surgery, or temporary implant of a shunt can relieve the pressure caused by hydrocephalus. In addition, an operation is often necessary to stop the bleeding and prevent permanent damage.
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If you suspect a brain bleed, you should get a CT scan. This is a noninvasive X-ray that helps detect a damaged blood vessel. In contrast to a CT scan, a CTA uses dye injected into the bloodstream. This type of scan allows doctors to see the inner workings of the brain, including the blood vessels in the skull. A CT scan can also help to diagnose intracerebral hemorrhage, which can be life-threatening.