Treatment for Acquired Brain Injury Treatment for Acquired Brain Injury
An acquired brain injury may result in a variety of symptoms, from physical changes to emotional ones. Some symptoms may be mild, such as a headache or dizziness, and some will go away on their own. Other symptoms may include fatigue, changes in sleep patterns, and sensory changes. Treatment for acquired brain injuries may vary widely depending on the cause and type of injury. While the goal of treatment is medical stabilization, the focus is often on regaining function in all areas, including emotional and cognitive functioning.
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Several factors can cause brain damage, including lack of oxygen. This can occur in motor vehicle accidents or as a result of prolonged seizures. Firearms can also cause injury, and approximately 90% of shootings result in death. Slip and fall accidents and physical abuse are among the leading causes of ABI in children and adults. Additionally, medical malpractice can lead to devastating damage to the brain. If you or a loved one has suffered an acquired brain injury, it is important to seek immediate medical attention.
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Fortunately, treatment options for ABI have improved over time. Better acute medical care increases survivability and neurological outcomes. However, societal priorities have changed. Many people who sustain an ABI must return to society and live a full life. In addition to physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries can result in emotional and behavioral problems. Further, there is a lack of data on how to improve memory after a stroke. The most promising treatment options are those that target the cause of the injury.
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While recovery from acquired brain injury is never guaranteed, it can take years. The initial months after an injury are crucial for healing. Improvements can take months or years, and some individuals will be permanently affected. A doctor will be able to assess the extent of the brain injury and give you advice about how to best manage it. You can also seek out rehabilitation services to help you manage the symptoms. If your child is suffering from an ABI, the next step will be determining the best treatment options.
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A person can suffer from an acquired brain injury after birth, as a result of a traumatic or non-traumatic event. While it may not be as severe as a traumatic injury, acquired brain injury can have devastating effects. If the damage is severe, it can affect a person's cognitive abilities, their emotional stability, and their ability to control their body. Even minor brain injuries can lead to permanent damage, however, so it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible.
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While a treatment program can help individuals recover from an acquired brain injury, it must be tailored to the patient's needs. The environment should match the patient's tolerance for distraction, as well as their need for structure. If they are placed in a solitary environment, they may find it difficult to return to the community and work. A combination of individual therapies may be a more effective way to achieve recovery. The results of these programs will help guide your rehabilitation efforts.
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Acquired brain injuries can also affect people's ability to form social networks. In addition to disrupting the individual's work and social life, acquired brain injuries may affect a person's ability to form and maintain relationships. Seizures are one of the most common and potentially dangerous types of brain injury. The symptoms of a seizure may include loss of consciousness, abnormal movements, and changes in behaviour. This is often a result of a previous brain injury, such as a stroke.
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In hospitalized patients, the proportion of TBI patients with TBI and nTBI increases as the patient ages. Patients with vascular insults, vascular injuries, and anoxia are more likely to be categorized as nTBI. The percentage of TBI patients with a longer hospital stay and more ALC days increases with age. These statistics indicate that many older adults may have an acquired brain injury despite the age gap.
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CIS works in conjunction with other programs in DMHAS and with local services. These services are essential to the recovery process for people who experience an ABI. They also coordinate with other Departments and programs within the State/local service constellation. They help to ensure that patients receive the most appropriate care based on their needs. The data collected are important for policy makers as ABI rates continue to increase. And remember, this is only a snapshot.