Treatment for Thalamic Stroke - Oren Zarif - Thalamic Stroke
Treatment for thalamic stroke involves several steps that are designed to help you recover from the stroke as quickly as possible and minimize your risk of another one. Physical therapy, occupational health, and speech therapy are all important steps in recovery. While the outlook for recovery from a thalamic stroke can differ widely, it is possible for many people to recover and lead a normal life. However, a patient's progress may be delayed or unpredictable.
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One way to distinguish a thalamic stroke from an unrelated type of infarct is by looking at the artery supplying the thalamus. There are several arteries that supply the thalamus. The artery ascends from the terminal internal cerebral artery. It supplies the central lateral nucleus, the uncus, and the posteromedial part of the ventromedial pulvinar. If the artery is blocked, the patient will experience decreased consciousness and have an onset of confusion.
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Studies have been conducted for many years to better understand the pathophysiological mechanisms of thalamic stroke. The first case was reported in 1906 by Dejerine e Roussy, who described speech and sensory motor disturbances as a result of thalamic injury. Since then, researchers have developed a classification system based on four arterial territories. Thalamic stroke accounts for about 11% of vertebral basilar infarcts. The most common injury is inferolateral territory infarction, followed by the posterior and anterior territories.
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The patient had a BP of 46 bpm, bradycardia, and miosis with ptosis on the right. His left-sided central facial paralysis was also present. On cerebellar testing, he rotated to the left 40 degrees and deviated to the left on heel-toe walking. He was eventually referred for MRI scanning, which identified a new right thalamic ischemic stroke. His VL and MD nuclei were affected, but he had not yet sought treatment for his stroke.
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The rostral thalamic infarctions are usually confined to the anterior thalamic region and spare the VL and MD nuclei, the mamillothalamic tract, and the internal medullary lamina. In rostral infarcts, most of the affected area is located on the left side and is most commonly associated with visual or verbal memory impairment. In contrast, lesions in the right thalamic territory are less common but more likely to result in hemiparesis, dysarthria, and decreased speech and language fluency.
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Symptoms of thalamic stroke include sensory loss, ataxia, and hemiparesis. A thalamic lesion may also cause a syndrome called thalamic hand. Symptoms may vary from one patient to another. Although a person's symptoms may be completely different for each individual, abnormal movements are generally indicative of a thalamic stroke. The following symptoms may result from a thalamic infarct.
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Symptoms of thalamic stroke depend on where in the brain the ischemia occurs. Infarctions of the anterior thalamus are typically caused by an infarct in the polar artery territory. While a thalamic infarct is rare, it is also possible for a patient to experience multiple symptoms during a single episode. Therefore, it is important to seek medical attention if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.
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Studies of thalamic stroke have shown that the lesions in the thalamic tract are crucial for recollection. While assessing lesions in the thalamus can be difficult, MRIs can reveal the extent of the damage. Patients with left thalamic stroke showed impaired recollection and sparing of familiarity. However, the subset of 5 patients with lesions in MD but no lesions in the MTT showed impaired recollection.
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Left thalamic lesions result in a range of neuropsychological deficits. Patients may exhibit altered personality and cognitive abilities. The symptoms of left thalamic strokes are generally more easily recognized by patients and their next of kin, whereas right thalamic lesions are difficult to identify. In addition, patients with thalamic lesions usually show widespread cognitive dysfunction, including aphasia, impaired speech, and poor memory.
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Lesions in the thalamus are also common in patients with other forms of neurologic disease. Lesions in the thalamus affect many aspects of the person's personality, including behavior, memory, and perception. There are fiber systems that connect the thalamic nuclei to other areas of the brain, and lesions in these areas can lead to behavioral changes. So, if a patient experiences one of these symptoms, he or she should immediately seek medical attention.