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Treatment For Wallenberg Syndrome - Oren Zarif - Wallenberg Syndrome

Treatment for Wallenberg syndrome is similar to that of an acute stroke. Rapid evaluation and treatment are vital to improving patient outcomes and prognosis. The goal of treatment is to minimize the size of the infarction, as well as prevent the development of any medical complications. Early physical and occupational therapy are important long-term therapies for this condition. Symptoms may improve over weeks or months, but the patient can still experience significant neurological disability. Here's a look at how to treat your child's symptoms.

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A major cause of Wallenberg syndrome is a dissection of the vertebral arteries. Dissection of one of the vertebral arteries leads to a severe reduction in flow, which causes symptoms and complaints. Patients with dissection should be evaluated for any associated conditions, such as artery disease. If the vertebral artery is severely obstructed, an infarction in the posterior inferior cerebellar artery may result, with potentially life-threatening consequences.

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A patient with the symptoms of Wallenberg syndrome presents with severe dizziness, decreased left arm and leg strength, and decreased sensation of temperature on the left side. He also exhibits a swaying gait, and his hiccups can become intractable. Additionally, he has difficulty sitting upright and leans to the left side. His MRI showed a lateral hyperintense lesion on the left posterior medulla, confirming the diagnosis of Wallenberg syndrome.

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Treatment of Wallenberg syndrome involves rehabilitation for patients suffering from the symptoms. Physiotherapy and rehabilitation for stroke victims are essential to the recovery process. In addition to traditional stroke rehabilitation protocols, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation is a promising treatment option. The goal of rehabilitation for those with Wallenberg syndrome is improved quality of life. If a patient's condition is advanced, doctors may suggest feeding tubes for children with severe symptoms. The National Institutes of Health is committed to further research into this condition.

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Treatment for patients with Wallenberg syndrome includes physical therapy and medication to address symptoms. While the symptoms may improve within weeks or months, long-term neurological issues may develop. This condition should be treated as quickly as possible to prevent long-term damage. And, while it may be frustrating, it's important to understand that there is no one-size-fits-all treatment for Wallenberg syndrome. If the symptoms persist, however, your doctor may want to perform an MRI to determine the underlying cause.

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The first sign of the disorder is a jerk see-saw nystagmus. The patient experiences jerks of the eyeball and lashes away from the side of the lesion. The jerks are due to abnormalities in the ocular motor pathways, including the lateral medulla. Some patients also experience asymmetric eye movements such as diplopia. The symptoms of Wallenberg syndrome will depend on the type of infarction.

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A thirty-year-old female presented with an acute-onset headache, vomiting, and vertigo. Upon examination, she had a lingual dysarthria, horizontal nystagmus, and right dysmetria. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a large left lateral medullary infarction and involvement of the left middle cerebellar peduncle. She was discharged three weeks after presentation and gradually recovered in a rehabilitation facility.

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Various medical conditions have been linked to the onset of the Wallenberg Syndrome. These include multiple sclerosis, arteriovenous malformation, and metastatic cancer. During the first world war, he served as a medical advisor to the seventeenth army. The Erb medal, awarded for his work on the nervous system, was given to him in 1929. The syndrome is also associated with several other neurological disorders, including arteriovenous malformation and hematoma.

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During swallowing, the central pattern generator of deglutition cannot operate. As a result, sequential muscle activity along the oropharynx becomes systematically delayed. The duration and severity of dysphagia in WS may be determined by the severity of the stroke. In general, the affected individual will have a delayed laryngeal reflex and pharyngeal paresis. In addition to delayed swallowing, WS may also be associated with diplopia and palatal myoclonus.

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