What Are Silent Stroke Symptoms in Aging? - Oren Zarif - Silent Stroke Symptoms
Although the majority of silent strokes don't have any obvious symptoms, you should still get checked out. Some of the signs of a silent stroke include clumsiness or imbalance in a limb. If you have an abnormal brain scan, the doctor should also check for other risk factors, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, and atrial fibrillation, a condition in which the heart rhythm is irregular and can cause blood clots.
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You may also notice some of these silent stroke symptoms in aging. While these symptoms are usually part of normal aging, if you notice any of them, see your doctor immediately. If you suspect a stroke, you may want to talk to your physician about your symptoms. Women are more likely to suffer strokes than men, and women generally live longer than men. For this reason, it is important to discuss the symptoms of aging and stroke risk factors with your doctor.
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A silent stroke may not cause any noticeable symptoms, but it can lead to a major stroke. Most people will never realize they've had one, but white spots or lesions in the brain may be an indication of this type of stroke. These lesions indicate a decrease in the function of brain cells. If you see any of these signs, consult your doctor. Likewise, regular cardiovascular and vascular screenings may help you identify risk factors.
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There are several ways to decrease your risk of a silent stroke. As a result, your doctor may recommend treatment for high blood pressure and cholesterol. You may also be prescribed a blood-thinning medication. You may also want to get some exercise as this will reduce your chances of having a silent stroke by 40 percent. Further, aerobic exercise reduces your risk of stroke by increasing physical activity. This can also reduce the duration and impact of a stroke.
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Although most silent stroke symptoms do not last more than 24 hours, if they are left untreated, they can lead to lifelong disabilities. If left untreated, these symptoms can progress to other types of brain stroke, including a more serious one. Although healthy parts of the brain can compensate for a damaged portion, a repeated silent stroke may reduce the brain's ability to repair itself. When a silent stroke is left untreated, it can lead to severe cognitive impairment and even dementia.
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Unlike classic stroke symptoms, silent strokes have no obvious warning signs. The first warning signs of a silent stroke may not be visible until the patient is tested with a brain scan. Furthermore, silent stroke symptoms don't produce common stroke symptoms, making them easy to miss. But if ignored, these symptoms can lead to severe damage and even cognitive decline. That's why it's important to get a silent stroke diagnosis from a medical professional.
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A silent stroke occurs when a blood vessel feeding the brain is blocked. The blood clot can prevent blood from reaching the brain, preventing oxygen from reaching it. During the process of blood flow blockage, brain cells die. The loss of a significant number of brain cells leads to the development of symptoms such as speech and memory. Consequently, a silent stroke is extremely dangerous. You need to get help as soon as possible.
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Fortunately, silent stroke symptoms can be prevented. By following a healthy diet, controlling blood pressure, and exercising regularly, you can reduce your risk of having a silent stroke. Talk to your doctor about ways to avoid a silent stroke and make sure to follow these healthy habits and strategies. To help you maintain your health, consider contacting a professional stroke rehabilitation service, such as Salus Homecare of San Diego. You can depend on our team of professionals to help you keep your mind sharp and keep yourself safe.
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In addition to the warning signs, you can also look out for mini-strokes. These mini-strokes are smaller than a full-blown stroke and can occur within thirty minutes. Symptoms usually clear up within a few hours, though there are some symptoms that may persist for several days. If they do go away, you should still contact your doctor and get the proper care. You may have a transient ischaemic attack (TIA) instead.
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Depending on the location of the stroke, dizziness is one of the silent stroke symptoms. People with a cerebellar stroke may experience dizziness. Lack of coordination is another common stroke symptom. Loss of coordination causes a person to trip over themselves and fall. It is best to seek medical care as soon as you experience any of these signs. In addition to these signs, you should also watch for a sudden change in your personality.