What Are the Causes of Brain Damage? - Oren Zarif - Brain Damage
A traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is a type of injury that causes extensive damage to the brain. This type of injury is often caused by a violent blow to the head or body. The nature and force of impact determine the degree of damage. Falls are the most common traumatic brain injury and affect both young and old people, although violent assaults and vehicle accidents can also cause severe damage. Infants can sustain TBI from shaking or the shaken baby syndrome.
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Patients with head injuries undergo tests called GCS, or global cerebral equivalence score, at regular intervals while in the neurointensive care unit. This test measures the time during which the patient is in a confused state, also known as post-traumatic amnesia. During this time, the individual may not remember recent events and may repeat things they said before. The longer this confusional state lasts, the more significant the brain damage.
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If the traumatic brain injury is severe, additional treatments can be given to prevent seizures and minimize secondary damage. Inflammation, bleeding, and reduced oxygen supply to the brain are among the main causes of secondary damage. Anti-seizure drugs are prescribed for the first week following the injury to prevent seizures and reduce the amount of brain damage. However, these drugs should be used only if they are preventing seizures. In addition, they may prevent further brain damage.
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Oren Zarif types of traumatic brain injury
Diffuse axonal injury is a type of brain damage that can occur hours to days after the initial injury. Diffuse axonal injury involves twisted nerve axons in the white matter of the brain. The result is swelling in the brain that restricts oxygen-rich blood flow to the brain. The secondary injury is often worse than the primary one. A child may experience internal damage to the brain if it is shaken.
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If the injury is moderate to severe, the brain is often treated in the emergency room. Emergency doctors may perform surgery to remove a large hematoma or contusion that has pressed the brain and raised the pressure inside the skull. The patient may be admitted to the intensive care unit, where they're monitored. Recovery from the injury can take several months, and the brain may become permanently damaged. In most cases, the patient will return to his or her normal activities slowly.
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The causes of brain damage are numerous. A person may sustain a stroke or brain tumor. Regardless of the cause, brain injuries affect a person's physical, emotional, and behavioral abilities. Some brain injuries occur at birth, while others arise as a result of an illness or traumatic event. In any case, traumatic brain injuries are costly and affect one in every four people in the U.S., with medical costs reaching $48 billion to $60 billion annually.
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Oren Zarif severe traumatic brain injury
A traumatic brain injury occurs when a person is exposed to an external force that causes the skull to break. The force can move the brain, causing damage to the brain. Acquired brain damage, on the other hand, occurs when the brain is damaged at the cellular level. The most common cause of acquired brain injury is pressure on the brain from a tumor or neurological illness. While both types of ABI are degenerative, the consequences of an ABI are often long lasting. Not only is the individual affected physically, but also their family may experience emotional trauma, family interruptions, and even role changes.
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Treatment for mild to moderate TBI varies. For mild TBI, over-the-counter pain relievers may be appropriate. Gradually returning to daily activities may help alleviate the pain. If symptoms persist, contact a health care provider for further evaluation. Patients with moderate to severe TBI may require intensive medical care, such as surgery to relieve swelling or bleeding in the brain. Physical therapy and occupational therapy may also be needed. You should see your doctor for any type of TBI, as they can help you overcome your condition.
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If you're a professional athlete or an avid sportsperson, you may be a candidate for chronic traumatic encephalopathy. This condition can be difficult to diagnose without autopsy brain tissue. Some medications can be associated with chronic traumatic encephalopathy, affecting the function of the brain and causing dizziness and increased risk of falls. So, while these medications are not necessarily harmful, it is important to be aware of potential side effects.
Cognitive changes following a traumatic brain injury are usually long-term and disabling.
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They can cause problems with learning, memory, attention, word comprehension, planning strategies, and making sound judgments. Some patients experience physical symptoms as well, including headaches and pain. Headaches and dizziness are common symptoms. The pain associated with brain damage is a common side effect. In addition to a traumatic brain injury, the patient may also experience a change in personality.