What Are the Causes of Stroke? - Oren Zarif - Causes of Stroke
If you are wondering what the causes of stroke are, read on. Stroke is a serious medical condition where a part of the brain is deprived of blood and oxygen. In ischemic strokes, a clot forms in an artery and travels to the brain. During this time, the brain cells die, leaving the patient unconscious and unresponsive. There are two types of strokes: ischemic and hemorrhagic. Ischemic strokes are usually the most common, and treatment for these types of stroke involves breaking up the blockage.
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There are many different stroke treatments available, and treatment depends on the type and cause of the stroke. In most cases, stroke is treated with medication that prevents blood clots, lowers cholesterol levels, and reduces blood pressure. Sometimes, a health care professional will recommend surgery to relieve swelling of the brain or remove clots. Many stroke survivors have long-term effects as a result of the brain damage that resulted from this condition.
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The most common imaging test used to diagnose a stroke is a CT scan of the head. A CT scan is a 3-dimensional image of the brain. It may show a small ischemic stroke in the brain, as it's less likely to show up until up to 12 hours after the onset of symptoms. However, if a CT scan doesn't show signs of ischemic stroke, a hemorrhagic stroke may be present.
Another common stroke symptom is a clot in the retina blood vessel. It causes temporary vision loss, which can be described as a black curtain coming down. Another symptom is weakness in one or both arms. The affected side can be speechless, and speech may be slurred. Despite the many symptoms, there are no known causes of stroke in children. If your child has these symptoms, call 911.
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Symptoms of a stroke range from total paralysis to very mild weakness. A CT scan shows the loss of brain tissue and the loss of ability. Some people experience difficulty speaking, while others experience a loss of speech. Some people lose their ability to move or smile. The loss of neurological function is often not entirely due to stroke. It can be the result of another diagnosis, such as a brain tumor. For this reason, it's essential to call 911 right away.
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There are two major types of stroke: ischemic and hemorrhagic. A thrombosis occurs when blood vessels in the brain are blocked. An embolism can travel downstream to a small artery in the brain. A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain bursts, depriving parts of the brain of blood and oxygen. The brain tissue becomes inflamed, leading to a stroke.
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The time frame to intervene is extremely limited in a patient with a stroke. When someone does notice a stroke, it's important to call 911 immediately to send a medical emergency response team to the scene. The time limit to respond to the patient's symptoms is limited, and a bystander or family member may need to confirm these facts with the patient. Patients may also be unable to speak properly or to make a clear decision.
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Among the most common causes of stroke, people from certain ethnic groups are at higher risk for having a first stroke. They are 60 percent more likely to experience another stroke within two years. The occurrence of ischemic strokes is caused by a blockage or narrowing of the arteries in the brain. In such cases, blood flow is severely reduced and damage brain cells. Strokes can be fatal, and they can affect anyone of any age. In the United States, stroke is the third leading cause of death. Although stroke occurs in people of all ethnicities, it is most common among African Americans and Hispanics.
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While there are many different causes of stroke, preventing one is as easy as making lifestyle changes. Managing preexisting health conditions is a must. Many times, pharmaceutical intervention may be required. However, medications are often available for treatment of stroke risk factors. For example, medications for hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes can be prescribed to control these factors. A person can also decrease their risk of a stroke by limiting the consumption of red meat and saturated fats. In addition, reducing the intake of processed foods and increasing fresh food consumption can also help prevent strokes.
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Some risk factors for stroke are hereditary. For example, if your mother or sister suffered from a stroke, it is likely that you are as well. A family history of stroke may guide you in getting medical testing for stroke. Fortunately, some risk factors are easy to change and can be eliminated completely by changing your lifestyle. Among the many lifestyle choices that increase your risk of stroke, eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise are essential.