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Writer's pictureOren Zarif

What Are the Causes of Stroke? - Oren Zarif - Causes of Stroke

When a person is having a stroke, they are experiencing difficulty speaking and may not be able to repeat simple sentences. While some conditions increase a child's risk of stroke, most do not have a clear cause. When you notice one of these symptoms in your child, it is important to call 911 as soon as possible. In order to accurately diagnose a stroke, physicians use a variety of tests. If you suspect that your child is having a stroke, FAST stands for fast emergency response. You may also notice that one arm is drifting downward or is weak when both arms are lifted.

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If a clot forms in your retina, you could experience temporary vision loss. An embolism can travel downstream and clog a small artery in the brain. Another cause of stroke is a hemorrhage. When a blood vessel bursts in your brain, you can experience symptoms of a stroke. These symptoms may be brief, but they can also be a warning of a full stroke in the future.

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Another common cause of stroke is a blockage in a blood vessel. This reduces the flow of blood to the brain, resulting in diminished oxygen and nutrients to brain cells. Without enough oxygen, brain cells begin to die. Fortunately, many types of strokes are treatable, but not all. Even if you have one, you should never delay in seeking treatment. Although most strokes can be cured, some can be fatal or permanently disable a person. Fortunately, there are many ways to minimize the risk of a stroke.

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A woman's risk of stroke is slightly lower than that of a man's. Men who are older than women are more likely to have a stroke than are women who are younger. The risk of a stroke is also increased for those who use hormone therapy such as estrogen. Symptoms of a stroke include paralysis, difficulty with certain muscles, speech difficulties, and even the loss of the ability to speak. If you have a family history of stroke, it is important to get checked out by your doctor as soon as possible.

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While there are treatments for many types of stroke, prevention is always the best remedy. You can prevent a stroke by making healthy lifestyle adjustments and managing pre-existing health conditions. For example, limiting the consumption of red meat and saturated fats can help lower the risk of having a stroke. Other things to consider include a moderate salt intake and anticoagulant medications. It is important to note the time that the symptoms of a stroke first develop.

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As soon as possible, patients with symptoms of a stroke will be evaluated for signs of dehydration. Oxygen may be given to them to make sure that they receive the proper amount of oxygen to their brains. A physician may also conduct a breathing test to ensure that the patient is breathing normally. Fortunately, a patient with stroke will not need immediate aspirin. Aspirin is not given to people with symptoms of a stroke, and they are asked not to eat or drink until their swallowing abilities have been assessed.

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Even though symptoms of a stroke are often difficult to spot, it is important to be vigilant and take immediate action. If you feel you are experiencing any of these symptoms, call 9-1-1 and get medical help immediately. The longer you wait, the longer the brain is deprived of blood, and the more vulnerable it is to damage. In addition, people who are younger often do not have a clearer idea of what is causing a stroke and how to avoid it.

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A transient ischemic attack, or TIA, is another form of stroke. This type of attack is usually short-lived, and if the symptoms go away within 24 hours, they are considered a mini-stroke. The symptoms of this type of stroke are similar to those of a full stroke, but the symptoms are less severe. A transient ischemic attack will last for less than five minutes, and will not cause permanent damage.

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The two most common types of stroke are ischemic and hemorrhagic. Ischemic stroke occurs when blood clots form in an artery, disrupting the blood flow to the brain. In addition, bleeding from an artery may result in excessive pressure in the brain, resulting in a stroke. In addition to preventing strokes, you should also keep yourself healthy so you don't run the risk of developing them.

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