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What Are the Causes of Stroke? - Oren Zarif - Causes of Stroke

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

What are the causes of stroke? There are multiple risk factors, including high blood pressure, smoking history, cholesterol levels, and diabetes. Each of these increases a person's overall risk. High blood pressure, which is measured in millimeters per square centimeter, is the most common risk factor. While men are more likely than women to suffer a stroke, women tend to live longer and have fewer strokes. Men have a higher risk for stroke during their younger and middle adult years.

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The symptoms of a stroke can be difficult to recognize, but if you notice difficulty speaking or repeating simple sentences, it's probably a stroke. Call 911 immediately. Document when the symptoms first begin and what they're like. The most accurate diagnosis for a stroke is usually done through a brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). If MRI is not an option, a computed tomography (CT) scan is used. Magnetic resonance angiography may be done as part of the MRI. Another form of imaging in the brain involves an ultrasound or transcranial doppler. These tests can detect abnormal blood vessels in the brain.

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Symptoms of a transient ischemic attack are similar to those of a stroke, but they are temporary. During this period, the brain doesn't receive enough blood to perform basic tasks. Transient ischemic attacks, also known as mini-strokes, are similar to stroke but last only a few minutes. Because they are temporary, they serve as a warning sign that a stroke may be coming. They are still serious and should be treated immediately.

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After a stroke patient has experienced an acute episode, he or she is usually taken to the hospital for observation and treatment. Doctors will use a series of tests to determine the cause of the stroke and determine the best way to avoid it in the future. A person who has suffered a stroke has an increased risk of having another stroke. A stroke can cause permanent damage, so it's important to take precautions to avoid a stroke.

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If a person has a history of heart attacks or high blood pressure, there are other potential causes. These include blood clots in the arteries that supply the brain and abnormally formed blood vessels. High blood pressure makes arteries in the brain brittle and prone to rupture. Once a blood clot blocks an artery, it causes a stroke. As a result, the blood vessels in the brain stop supplying the brain with the oxygen and blood it needs.

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High blood pressure is a major risk factor for stroke, and some of the most common causes are listed below. A person with high blood pressure will have a greater chance of having a second stroke than a person without it. A person with high blood pressure will need to take steps to lower their blood pressure to lower their risk. If they have high blood pressure, they should also monitor their cholesterol levels to reduce their risk of having a stroke.

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The symptoms of a stroke can be subtle or severe. A person will likely not be able to smile, lift both arms, or understand speech. They may even be unable to speak while awake. If you suspect a stroke, call 999 immediately. Your brain needs oxygen and nutrients to heal. If it's severe enough, the person may not even be aware of their stroke. However, there are many lifestyle changes you can make to decrease your risk.

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High blood pressure is one of the most common causes of stroke. This condition occurs when a blood vessel supplying blood to the brain is blocked, leaky, or burst. The blood flow is reduced in the affected area of the brain, causing brain cells to die. It's important to see your doctor right away, as it could mean the difference between life and death. However, if your blood pressure is uncontrolled, you may be more likely to experience a stroke than someone with normal blood pressure.

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Infections may also be a cause. Some infections cause stroke by increasing inflammation. Infections in the heart are associated with increased risk of stroke. During the course of a stroke, inflammation and infection can cause abnormal heart rhythms, which may then affect the brain. This condition is important to look for during the differential workup of a patient. The correct diagnosis will improve the chances of minimizing any adverse outcomes and help the patient recover faster.


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