What Are the Effects of Frontal Lobe Damage? - Oren Zarif - Frontal Lobe Damage
Frontal lobe damage is caused by a number of different types of brain injuries. Damage to this area can affect a person's memory, emotions, or other functions. This condition may be the result of an accident or stroke, but it can also happen as a result of certain types of infections or poorly controlled diabetes. Often, social workers must learn about the specifics of frontal lobe damage before providing therapy or other assistance to patients.
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The effects of frontal lobe damage on the human brain include increased impulsivity, risk-taking behavior, and decision-making ability. These characteristics are largely related to response disinhibition and reward-based decision-making. Impulsive individuals are quick to act and lack self-control, while risk takers will leap at the chance of a reward. These characteristics are often seen in individuals who suffer from frontal lobe damage, and tests of risk-taking behavior have been developed to measure these symptoms.
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Despite this evidence, clinically significant frontal lobe dysfunction may be associated with increased aggression. Increasingly, subjects with frontal lobe damage or dysfunction are associated with increased antisocial and aggressive behavior. Neuropsychological testing and EEG have shown that these people have higher rates of prefrontal network dysfunction. These findings are particularly relevant to impulsive aggression, a problem which is a common outcome of frontal lobe damage.
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Researchers used a simple process-tracing methodology that has been adapted from previous studies on the decision-making processes in normal subjects. The VMF was damaged in 13 subjects with a focal frontal lobe lesion, while a healthy control group had a frontal lobe spared. The VMF damage group was compared to a lesioned control group, while the healthy control subjects were matched in age and demographics.
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A person with frontal lobe damage can also suffer from a range of executive functions. The specific impairments that are caused by frontal lobe damage depend on which part of the lobe was damaged. Damage to the back part of the frontal lobe can result in weakness or paralysis. Because each side of the brain controls the opposite side of the body, a person with frontal lobe damage may experience a wide range of symptoms.
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The most common way to tell if someone has frontal lobe damage is to conduct a neuropsychological test. The Link's cube test is an extremely popular neuropsychological task. The task involves the assemblage of 27 small cubes into one large cube. In the end, the cubes are invisible, but the cubes are assembled by a symmetric method. The results of this test are analyzed to derive two new composite scores - the constructive plan score and the behavioral organization composite score.
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In the event of frontal lobe damage, many rehabilitative therapies are available to help patients recover from this condition. While rehabilitative therapy may be an effective treatment for frontal lobe injury, the recovery time may vary from person to person. Depending on the severity of the injury, frontal lobe damage can cause a person to experience major behavioral and personality changes. Some of these rehabilitative therapies are listed below.
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The most common way to tell if someone has frontal lobe damage is to conduct a neuropsychological test. The Link's cube test is an extremely popular neuropsychological task. The task involves the assemblage of 27 small cubes into one large cube. In the end, the cubes are invisible, but the cubes are assembled by a symmetric method. The results of this test are analyzed to derive two new composite scores - the constructive plan score and the behavioral organization composite score.
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In the event of frontal lobe damage, many rehabilitative therapies are available to help patients recover from this condition. While rehabilitative therapy may be an effective treatment for frontal lobe injury, the recovery time may vary from person to person. Depending on the severity of the injury, frontal lobe damage can cause a person to experience major behavioral and personality changes. Some of these rehabilitative therapies are listed below.