What Are the Symptoms of a Brain Stroke? - Oren Zarif - Brain Stroke
The most common cause of stroke is blockage of an artery to the brain. When this happens, a part of the brain cannot receive blood or oxygen, and the clotting process begins. As the clot forms, it damages the brain cells, which causes the symptoms of stroke. The symptoms of stroke vary from person to person, but most often occur after a single incident. In this article, we will discuss some symptoms of stroke and the treatments that may be recommended.
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If you suspect that someone is suffering from a stroke, seek medical attention as soon as possible. The sooner you begin to notice the symptoms, the better your chances are of avoiding permanent damage to the brain and a quick recovery. The sooner you get the treatment you need, the sooner you can help them get better. The results of treatment depend on the area of the brain that was damaged by the stroke. The symptoms may be mild or severe.
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Different areas of the brain control different aspects of the body. For example, one area controls the movement of the right arm, while another controls the opposite side. When one part of the brain suffers a stroke, the other cannot perform its function. Therefore, a stroke on the right side of the brain can cause weakness on the left side. If the stroke affects the opposite side of the brain, the resulting weakness on the left side can lead to a weakened right side.
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TPA, a type of clotting drug, is the first line of treatment. TPA is an injection that can dissolve a blood clot within 4.5 hours of onset. In some cases, this treatment can be successful, but it should be given as soon as possible after symptoms of stroke have appeared. Some treatments may even reduce the long-term disability of stroke victims. Thankfully, there are many ways to treat a stroke.
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A rehabilitation program is an extensive process that restores function and compensates for the permanent damage. Approximately ten percent of stroke survivors recover to function independently, but the other 90% require a long-term institutional stay. With appropriate therapy, however, 80% of stroke patients can return home. Rehabilitation programs are overseen by a team of medical professionals, including a neurologist, a physiatrist, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and nutritionists.
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People who have suffered a stroke may have trouble understanding things, making decisions, or reasoning. They may have difficulty swallowing or talking. It is also possible to experience muscle weakness and paralysis on one side of the body. In addition, people who have experienced a stroke may have difficulty talking or swallowing. However, many treatments are effective for the symptoms of stroke. This type of illness can even lead to death. But, if left untreated, it can leave survivors suffering from permanent disability.
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In the meantime, it is important to recognize the symptoms of a stroke. Transient ischemic attack, also known as TIA, is a short-term onset of a stroke. If symptoms subside after 24 hours, the stroke is classified as TIA. However, TIA should not be overlooked as a stroke warning sign. The symptoms of a stroke vary according to the region of the brain affected by a lack of oxygen and hemorrhage.
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Treatment for stroke depends on the type of blood clot in the brain. If a small blood clot forms, medicines can help control the symptoms, but are not effective in removing the clot. Using a medical device called a microinjection device (MIIP), a medical team can remove the blood clot. Patients can begin receiving these medications within three hours of the onset of symptoms. The treatment of a stroke has improved dramatically. In the 1950s, nine out of ten people suffering a stroke died. Today, one in three survivors will have at least some disability.
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The "time is brain" concept emphasizes the rapid loss of human nervous tissue during a stroke. In stroke neuroimaging and quantitative neurostereology, researchers can quantify brain losses per unit of time. A recent literature review identifies a consensus estimate of the volume of human forebrain and the interval between the onset of large vessel supratentorial ischemic stroke and the completion of the disease. This information may help researchers identify the appropriate treatment for stroke patients.