What Are the Symptoms of a Brain Stroke? - Oren Zarif - Brain Stroke
There are two types of stroke: major and transient ischemic attack (TIA). A major stroke is a medical emergency that requires immediate hospitalization. The symptoms of a TIA typically last less than 24 hours. This type of stroke is a warning sign of a potential stroke, and should be treated the same way as a major one. Although TIA symptoms are not life-threatening, they should be treated promptly, because ten to fifteen percent of sufferers go on to have a major stroke.
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The early diagnosis of a stroke is crucial, as it can significantly increase the likelihood of recovery and reduced chances of death. Early intervention is critical for preventing permanent brain damage and minimizing damage to nearby tissues. There are several medical treatments that can help stroke patients. Fortunately, these procedures are increasingly common, and there are now several effective options to reduce the risk of death. However, many people will need to wait for emergency assistance to reach them.
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An intravenous line is placed, oxygen is administered, and blood tests will be ordered. A clot-busting drug called TPA can dissolve the blood clot and restore blood flow to the affected area of the brain. This treatment is only effective if it is administered within 4.5 hours of the onset of symptoms. Emergency procedures include injecting TPA directly into the brain or using a catheter to physically remove the clot. There is also the surgical option known as carotid endarterectomy, which involves opening the carotid artery and removing the plaque.
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Other symptoms of a stroke include a sudden weakness of one side of the body, difficulty lifting one arm or leg, double vision, slurred speech, and a decreased level of consciousness. The sooner you are diagnosed, the sooner you can begin treatment. A stroke may not be fatal, but the symptoms can last a lifetime, so early diagnosis is critical. However, you must be aware of the warning signs of a stroke, since symptoms will differ with each other.
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Rehabilitation is an essential part of the recovery process after a stroke. Rehabilitation can begin immediately after the stroke and can focus on any side of the brain that was affected. Through rehabilitation, the patient can reconnect neurological pathways. This process is called neuroplasticity, and it can be observed on multiple scales, from microscopic changes in individual neuron to large-scale changes in the brain's cortical remapping. The goal is to help the patient overcome his or her physical and mental disabilities and live a life of dignity.
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A stroke may also run in families. If your family members had strokes, you may have a higher risk for a second stroke within two years. Some people have a genetic disorder that blocks blood flow to the brain, resulting in a stroke. It is important to note that women are less likely to have a stroke than men of the same age. Additionally, they are much more likely to die from a stroke. In some cases, the stroke will be fatal and may be a complication of another condition.
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After a stroke, a doctor may suggest a course of treatment for the patient. Depending on the severity of the stroke, a patient may need several different tests in order to determine what type of treatment will be most beneficial. A complete blood count, for instance, can show whether the brain has hemorrhages or is unable to speak. An electrocardiogram, which records the electrical activity of the heart, can help determine the exact cause of the stroke.
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A person who suffers from a stroke is at increased risk for developing a spinal cord stroke. Open abdominal aortic aneurism, spinal surgery, and clot removal in the spinal arteries all increase the risk of a stroke. Regardless of the cause, a spinal cord stroke can cause severe symptoms that will require medical attention. If you notice any of these symptoms, call 911 immediately. It may be difficult to detect a stroke in the spine, so it is important to seek medical attention immediately.
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Because a clot obstructs oxygen and nutrients, the nerve cells in the area cannot function. The enlarged area also causes damage to surrounding tissues. The brain and spinal cord are both enclosed by rigid bones, which means that swelling in the CNS is constricted and will compress the nerve tissue. The result of this pressure is the formation of a stroke. It can affect an entire brain, or even an entire spinal cord.