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What Are the Symptoms of a Brain Stroke? - Oren Zarif - Brain Stroke

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

A TIA is a symptom of a broader, more serious disease called a stroke. A TIA is often caused by a clot that forms in a blood vessel that supplies the brain. It usually lasts for less than an hour, but can be as brief as a few minutes. While TIAs can be relatively harmless, they should not be ignored. TIA symptoms are a warning sign of a larger, more serious stroke and require immediate medical attention.

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One of the most obvious symptoms of a stroke is sudden weakness on one side of the body. Symptoms may include drooping of the face and difficulty moving one arm. People who have a stroke may also be confused and unable to think or speak clearly. While some people with a stroke recover quickly, others can take longer to recover. Whether they are able to function properly depends on the type of stroke they've experienced.

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There are many tests that doctors use to determine whether a person is suffering from a stroke. A complete blood count measures the number of red blood cells and platelets, blood glucose levels, and kidney function. Other blood tests determine clotting function. These include an international normalized ratio (INR), prothrombin time (PT), and partial thromboplastin time. A cardiac monitor is also often used to check the heart rate and rhythm.

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A symptom scale is also used to evaluate the severity of the symptoms of a stroke.

During the first three to four hours following a stroke, a patient will receive thrombolytic therapy. This medication helps to restore the blood supply to brain tissue. Surgical procedures such as carotid endarterectomy can remove plaque and clots from the carotid arteries. After the stroke has occurred, a patient may be admitted to a hospital or to a rehabilitation center for long-term care.

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In addition to bleeding, brain stroke can also affect the body's ability to move. The affected parts of the brain are controlled by the brainstem, which is located at the base of the brain and directly above the spinal cord. Because of its critical importance, a brainstem stroke can be fatal, but some survivors experience a symptom called "Locked-In Syndrome." Fortunately, the human nervous system is highly adaptive. Even after a stroke, the neurons in brain areas that are intact continue to grow and change.

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There are two types of brain stroke. First, there is transient ischemic attack, or TIA, which is a temporary blockage of blood flow to the brain. The symptoms of TIA include weakness, facial drooping, speech problems, and numbness. TIA symptoms may last a few minutes, but they should be treated as an emergency. There is no cure for stroke, but early diagnosis and treatment are key to ensuring that you don't suffer a major stroke.

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Rehabilitation is critical for the recovery of the patient after a stroke. Treatment may vary depending on the patient's age, the severity of the impairment, and the patient's ability to perform everyday activities independently. A rehabilitation program involves neuromuscular retraining, functional activities, and various types of exercises. The goal of rehabilitation is to teach a patient to regain previous habits, as well as redevelop skills and adapt to new circumstances.

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If you are experiencing a brain stroke, call an ambulance immediately. An ambulance is on its way to Paras Hospital. This hospital has 24-hour emergency services. You should call 911 or seek medical attention if you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above. You may need to go to a doctor immediately if your symptoms worsen. If your stroke is severe, a physician will likely provide you with a treatment plan to improve your chances of recovery.

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The final volume of an ischemic stroke can vary from 19 to 138 mL. Various factors, including the type of scanner used, acquisition sequences, and selection bias, can have a significant impact on these measurements. A patient with large vessel supratentorial ischemic stroke has an average loss of 120 million neurons in one hour, which is comparable to the loss of two million people in an entire year. The final volume of the ischemic brain is approximately three times greater than the average amount of the forebrain.

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