What Are the Symptoms of a Cerebral Stroke? - Oren Zarif - Cerebral Stroke
A cerebral stroke occurs when the blood supply to a part of the brain is cut off or blocked. This occurs either as a hemorrhagic stroke or an ischemic stroke. Within minutes of onset, the nerve cells in that area of the brain no longer receive oxygen, resulting in impaired function. The symptoms of a cerebral stroke can range from sudden weakness to paralysis. Patients should seek medical care immediately after an episode of a stroke to avoid further damage.
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The diagnosis of cerebral stroke is crucial because each second that passes after a vessel blockage causes more brain tissue to die. It is important to recognize symptoms quickly - often during a medical emergency or even in the ambulance. The National Stroke Association recommends that patients recognize their symptoms by utilizing the acronym F.A.S.T. During the first few minutes following a stroke, the patient will experience the onset of the symptoms, including a change in consciousness.
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The first symptoms of a cerebral stroke are usually temporary and will go away in 20 to 30 minutes. The response to treatment may not happen for two to three hours after the event, but it is important to be evaluated as soon as possible. If the stroke is due to a TIA, it may be a sign of a more serious condition. Fortunately, most people who experience a TIA will recover enough function to return to their daily lives.
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The risk of a stroke differs from one race to another. Women are more susceptible to a stroke than men, and African Americans and Hispanics have higher rates of the disease. Additionally, people with a family history of stroke are at a greater risk. People with a stroke have a 25 to 40 percent chance of suffering a second time within five years. While stroke is a devastating condition, treatment can save a life and limit its damage.
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After a stroke, people with a stroke may experience weakness or complete paralysis in one side of their body. Damage to the part of the brain that controls balance and coordination can cause movement problems. Some people experience difficulty walking, eating, or going to the bathroom. Others have difficulty swallowing. Depending on the specific condition, rehabilitation can be life-changing and prevent amputation. A person will most likely experience severe difficulty walking and interacting with others.
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People with cerebellar stroke may have difficulty speaking or swallowing. Depending on the severity of their stroke, a physician may prescribe medication to reduce bleeding and prevent swelling in the brain. Rehabilitation options can include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and physiotherapy. These therapies can improve a patient's mobility and motor skills, as well as help him or her return to normal activity. If symptoms are severe and life-threatening, it is important to seek medical attention right away.
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The outcomes of a stroke in the very young are hard to predict. Children who suffer a stroke in utero or fetal development may suffer cerebral palsy or even develop a permanent disability later in life. Infancy and childhood stroke are often the most severe cases, resulting in permanent disability or even cerebral palsy. However, children who suffer from a stroke generally recover better than adults do, and treatment options are usually more successful. Fortunately, brain plasticity allows for rewiring to occur and restore functions in the brain.
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New treatments for cerebral stroke include the use of thrombolytic agents and neuroprotective agents. These drugs are used to restore blood flow to the brain while protecting surrounding tissue, which improves patients' long-term function. In addition, a new type of treatment for stroke is in development known as TPA. This drug, which is also called Coumadin, has been approved by the FDA and has shown promising results. When used in the right way, the medication can significantly improve the patient's outcome.
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Researchers at the NINDS are working to discover new ways to prevent and cure cerebral stroke. They are studying the role of the brain and nervous system in stroke, including the way they regulate blood flow. They are also seeking new ways to improve rehabilitation and post-stroke recovery. The NINDS also funds research in the area of stroke prevention, as well as the development of better treatments for stroke. This research can improve care for patients and reduce the burden of neurological disease.
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Researchers have shown that leukocytes release inflammatory chemicals to the area of injury. These chemicals inhibit the release of tissue plasminogen activator, a clotting factor. By limiting the release of these molecules, NINDS is hoping to develop interventional therapies. However, a cure for cerebral stroke is not imminent. Until then, the best treatment available for patients will remain the best option. And until then, there is much more to discover.