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What Are the Symptoms of Cerebral Infarction? - Oren Zarif - Cerebral Infarction

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

The symptoms of cerebral infarction depend on the location of the infarction in the brain. They may be on one side of the brain or on the opposite side. Symptoms of the infarction include weakness in the opposite side of the body, sensitivity to light, abnormal pupil dilation, or lack of eye movement. If the infarction occurs in the left side of the brain, the patient will have slurred speech and may exhibit reflex changes.

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The primary goal of cerebral blood flow during acute infarction is decompression during the acute brain swelling. The cerebral blood flow varies widely between regions of the brain. Therefore, it is more useful to evaluate regional cerebral blood flow than the mean cerebral blood flow. For this reason, determining the region of infarction is vital. The patient must undergo immediate medical treatment if the stroke occurs. This may involve surgical decompression with hemicraniectomy.

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Acute infarction is the most common cause of death in patients with cerebrovascular disease. However, embolism is also a possible cause. A stroke or an accident can also lead to cerebral infarction. While cerebral infarction is a medical emergency, it is a serious condition that should be addressed as soon as possible. Fortunately, there are treatments available that can significantly improve the outcome. A physician's primary goal is to treat the infarct and to restore brain function.

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Another cause of ischemic stroke is reduced blood supply to the brain. This occurs due to fatty plaques called atheroma in the blood vessels. These plaques can form a blood clot, also known as an embolism. When a blood clot breaks free and travels to the brain, it is called a cerebral embolism. This condition can also be caused by a heart disease called atrial fibrillation.

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One study published in JAMA found that the etiology of young adults' cerebral infarction is highly variable. Researchers compared patients with and without vascular risk factors in the same region. They found that the etiologies of first strokes in young adults were cardiac embolism, hematologic causes, and lacunar infarction. In addition, almost a third of first strokes had no known cause.

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TIAs, also known as mini-strokes, are a serious condition and should not be ignored. Symptoms of TIAs may be short-lived, but they do not go away without medical attention. While many people tend to disregard the symptoms of TIA, paying attention to these episodes can save lives. It is essential that the symptoms of cerebral infarction be diagnosed immediately. If the symptoms aren't gone within 3 hours, a doctor should administer intravenous rtPA.

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Another type of cerebral infarction is hemorrhagic infarction. This type of infarction occurs when there is an initial lack of blood flow to the affected area. Reperfusion will restore blood flow to the affected area, thereby restoring devitalized tissue. These episodes are often secondary to infection or thrombosis. And if a person experiences more than one cerebral infarction, the condition is called hemorrhagic.

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The initial workup for ischemic stroke should include basic laboratory tests, such as a complete blood count, coagulation factors, and cardiac enzymes. A stat non-contrast head CT is important to rule out other vascular causes. Occasionally, an acute large vessel occlusion may be the cause of the symptoms. In this case, a physician may perform vascular imaging to determine the cause of the stroke.

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Aside from an acute myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, and thrombolysis can mimic MI. Despite the prevalence of these symptoms, patients with suspected MI should be evaluated immediately. Symptomatic treatment includes pain control and intravenous heparin, which can be administered through a mask. Treatment of shock and dysrhythmias may also be necessary. If the symptoms of pulmonary infarction are unrecognized, the symptoms of the condition may be atypical.

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Multiple or single infarctions are uncommon. Infarctions in the basal ganglia, cerebellum, or thalamus are the most common, followed by asymptomatic infarctions. Infarcts in the thalamus may also be a result of damage to the medial longitudinal fasciculus. Damage to the thalamus can result in altered mental status, or even cranial nerve dysfunction, including paresthesia.

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In addition to stroke, atrial fibrillation is a common cardiovascular disease that increases the risk of having a stroke by as much as 5 times. Because patients with atrial fibrillation often don't have symptoms, it is essential to have the condition treated as soon as possible. Symptoms of this condition depend on the area of the brain affected, the size of the infarcted area, and the time the stroke occurred. The earlier a patient receives treatment, the less damage it can cause.

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