What Are the Symptoms of Stroke? - Oren Zarif - Stroke
What are the symptoms of stroke? Stroke is a devastating disease that kills brain cells. However, if the victim can receive medical attention quickly, there are several treatments that can reverse the symptoms. The sooner you receive treatment, the less likely you will suffer permanent damage to your brain or die. Here are some tips to make sure you receive the proper treatment. Stroke symptoms may also include: trouble speaking and understanding speech; sudden weakness; and numbness or paralysis on one side of the body. You may notice one side of your mouth droops when you're smiling; your vision may be blackened or blurred.
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The symptoms of stroke include changes to the way the brain works. Some victims lose sensation in their hands and face, and may have trouble walking, talking, eating, reading, or socializing. In addition, muscle tone and strength may be affected. Physical therapy will help survivors regain strength and balance and adapt to their limitations. Physical therapy can be done in a clinic or in a skilled nursing home. Rehabilitation can take a long time, so be sure to seek professional help as soon as possible.
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Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) can also occur, but are less serious than strokes. TIAs happen when a blood clot temporarily blocks an artery. The symptoms of TIAs are similar to those of stroke, but are more brief. If left untreated, a TIA can turn into a full stroke and damage the brain permanently. If you experience any of these symptoms, call 911 right away.
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As you get older, your risk for stroke increases. Those with diabetes, atrial fibrillation, and high cholesterol are at highest risk. Other risk factors include obesity, high blood pressure, smoking, and excess salt intake. Your doctor will then recommend a course of treatment based on your current health conditions and history. If the symptoms of stroke do occur, tPA will be given to dissolve the blood clot. But this treatment must be started within four hours of the symptoms of stroke.
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Treatment for stroke varies depending on the type of stroke and the cause. It will most likely include medication to control blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Other procedures may be necessary to remove blood clots and reduce swelling in the brain. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary. Although survivors of stroke often recover completely, many do not. The damage caused by a stroke may have lasting effects. And it may take a lifetime to recover from it.
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Symptoms of stroke can last for hours, days, or even weeks. However, TIA is often temporary, and the symptoms will eventually return. In some cases, TIAs can indicate a stroke in the future. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately. Only then can you determine the type of stroke you have. Your doctor can help you determine the proper treatment and prevent further damage.
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Treatment for stroke depends on the type of clot and the type of blood loss. Patients with a hemorrhagic stroke may receive a lumbar puncture to check for blood in cerebrospinal fluid. If the clot is hemorrhagic, an MRI of the head will reveal whether there's any damage to the brain or any heart problems that caused it. If not, an electrocardiogram may be recommended to rule out the cause of the stroke.
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While stroke is a frightening condition, it is important to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Treatment for stroke is crucial to a person's recovery. If the symptoms are severe, the patient may need several treatments. The initial treatment may include medication or surgery. In some cases, rehabilitation may be necessary to improve the symptoms. This will ensure the patient's recovery and help them return to a normal life. So, the sooner you seek medical treatment, the better.
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Certain lifestyle changes can help reduce your risk of a stroke. You should avoid smoking, which is one of the leading causes of stroke. A change of diet, exercise can help lower your risk of a stroke. Make sure to consume foods low in saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, sodium, and added sugars. Avoiding heavy alcohol consumption can reduce your risk as well. Ask your doctor for help if you are having trouble quitting alcohol or are struggling with quitting.
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Some risk factors for stroke are genetic, and many people can't control them. Smoking, high blood pressure, and diabetes are major risk factors. Smoking also increases the risk of ischemic stroke. Moreover, smoking is the top preventable risk factor for stroke, and quitting smoking will do more good than any medical procedure. And of course, people who have suffered a stroke have a greater risk of another one. And people with a family history of stroke have higher chances of getting a stroke.