What Are the Warning Signs of a Transient Ischemic Attack? - Oren Zarif - Transient Ischemic Attack
Although most cases of transient ischemic attack (TIA) don't last long, they can be an early warning sign of a stroke or other underlying condition. A transient ischemic attack is also known as a mini-stroke because the symptoms will go away quickly. Treatment for this condition focuses on reducing risk factors and minimizing symptoms. But if you're not sure if you've suffered a TIA, it's best to seek medical attention.
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A TIA, also called a warning stroke, is an incident that affects the brain for a few minutes. Unlike a major stroke, symptoms of a TIA are more mild and disappear within 24 hours. Still, if you are suffering from a transient ischemic attack, you're at increased risk of developing a stroke. Read on to learn about the warning signs of TIA and how to identify them.
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A TIA usually resolves on its own in less than an hour, but it's still important to see a doctor if you're experiencing any of these symptoms. Although TIA symptoms don't cause permanent damage, they do put you at increased risk of a stroke. Although the symptoms of a TIA are very similar to the symptoms of a stroke, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, you should call 911 immediately and get medical advice.
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The symptoms of a TIA vary depending on the subtype, but the most common issue is a transient interruption of arterial blood flow. A large artery atherosclerosis is a common risk factor, but MRI is more sensitive to acute ischemic changes. However, this diagnostic technique is not always available in all centers. In addition to brain imaging, urgent vascular imaging is also necessary. In particular, urgent vascular imaging can reveal if large arteries are clogged with plaque and increase the short-term risk of stroke.
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Although TIA does not cause permanent damage to the brain, it is the first symptom of another stroke and a warning that something may be wrong. Treatments for TIA can include lifestyle changes, medications, and surgery. If your doctor believes that you have TIA, you should treat it as an emergency. There are several ways to treat it. The best way to deal with a TIA is to take control of your lifestyle and make sure your heart is healthy.
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A TIA lasts just a few minutes and has minimal impact on your brain. It occurs because a clot is being pushed along by the blood flow and chemicals in the body break it down. As a result, normal blood flow returns to the brain before any long-term complications begin. While TIA symptoms can last for a few minutes, they will go away within an hour or two, a stroke is not temporary and can have severe consequences.
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Although a TIA doesn't cause permanent damage, treatment for it aims to reduce the risk of future attacks. Surgery to open the narrowed carotid artery is recommended for patients with a severe blockage of the artery, usually fatty deposits in the arterial wall. These fatty deposits are likely to block the flow of blood to the brain. The surgery, called carotid endarterectomy, involves cutting the plaque from the arterial wall. The procedure is typically painless and can be done under local anesthesia.
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TIA symptoms are most common among people of African American, Hispanic, and Caucasians. If you experience these symptoms, it's best to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Although TIA symptoms may disappear on their own, you should seek medical attention if you notice any of them. Even if they're temporary, they are a sign of a stroke and must be treated immediately. The symptoms of a transient ischemic attack are similar to those of a stroke. A physician should be able to diagnose the difference between TIA and a stroke.
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Treatment for a TIA depends on the cause of the TIA and the severity of the underlying stroke. A comprehensive workup includes tests to rule out carotid stenosis, cardiac sources of emboli, hematologic abnormalities, and stroke risk factors. As with stroke, the risks of death and stroke are greatest within 24 to 48 hours of a TIA, prompt treatment is essential.