What Is a Contracoup Injury? - Oren Zarif - Contrecoup Injury
A contrecoup injury is a brain trauma caused by a collision involving the skull and the other side. The skull and the brain are moved quickly by the impact, which causes intracranial contents to become dislodged. Common areas of injury are the temporal poles and inferior surface of the frontal lobes. Another uncommon type of contrecoup injury is traumatic lens dislocation. The symptoms of contrecoup injury vary depending on the severity of the impact.
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Contracoup injury is typically treated by a neurosurgeon. A multidisciplinary team of specialists should be assembled to monitor the patient. The team may include a trauma surgeon or a critical care specialist, as well as a nurse who monitors vital signs and intracranial pressure. A pharmacist ensures that the patient receives the appropriate medications. A radiologist will evaluate the cause of the contrecoup injury and may prescribe a course of treatment.
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A contrecoup injury can cause internal and external damage. It is often the result of a forceful impact on the side opposite to the one being injured. While the other side of the brain is likely to be damaged, the damage to the opposite side can be hidden from the eye and may remain undetected. Because of this, it's important to be aware of any signs of TBI. Moderate contrecoup injuries can result in impairments in the brain's sensory and cognitive abilities, as well as speech, language, and social function. In extreme cases, the victim can also change their personality and interact differently with other people.
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Depending on the severity of the coup-contrecoup brain injury, a person may be awarded damages for both economic and noneconomic losses. If the coup-contrecoup injury results in death, a lawsuit may be filed for wrongful death damages. While there are many different ways to file a contrecoup injury lawsuit, it's important to consult with a professional in this field. Even the smallest injury may go unnoticed and undertreated.
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A coup-contrecoup injury is caused by the collision of the two parts of the brain. A coup-contrecoup brain injury results when one side of the brain hits an object that strikes the opposite side of the skull. Often, both types of injuries can cause severe trauma to the brain. And the brain is enclosed inside the skull and protected by cerebrospinal fluid. In these cases, the force of the blow can cause it to violently crash into the skull.
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A coup-contrecoup brain injury can cause permanent complications, such as coma or vegetative state. The symptoms may include persistent headaches, seizures, hydrocephalus, infections, and more. People with a coup-contrecoup brain injury may require long-term medical care and physical therapy. The financial burden of these treatments may prevent them from returning to their jobs. There are many risks involved in dealing with such injuries, which is why it's so important to contact a qualified Illinois coup-contrecoup injury attorney.
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Coup-contrecoup injuries are most common in high-speed vehicle collisions and slip-and-fall accidents. Though many medical professionals focus on the visual damage in a coup-contrecoup, some victims experience loss of speech or words. Moreover, the patient may suffer loss of consciousness, which makes it difficult for the victim to communicate. Despite the risk of complications, coup-contrecoup injury can be a devastating and life-changing injury.
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Treatment for coup-contrecoup injuries depends on the severity of the injury and on the patient's recovery goals. Rehabilitation is vital because brain cells damaged by a coup-contrecoup injury can't regenerate. Rehabilitation can reduce the extent of the injury, improve motion, and improve quality of life. Sometimes, patients require medications for pain control or even neurosurgery. Fortunately, there is an effective treatment for a coup-contrecoup injury.
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Although coup and contrecoup brain injuries are rarely fatal, they are extremely serious. If you are involved in a car accident, you should contact your insurance company as soon as possible for a thorough examination. A traumatic brain injury is one of the most common causes of hospitalization in the United States, so it's important to seek immediate medical attention after an accident. If you don't feel any immediate symptoms of a coup-contrecoup injury, seek medical treatment as soon as possible.