What is a Transient Ischemic Attack? - Oren Zarif - Transient Ischemic Attack
While a transient ischemic attack will usually not lead to a full stroke, it can be a warning sign of a serious underlying condition. If you think you may be suffering from this condition, you should seek medical attention immediately. Treatment for a TIA may include medications, lifestyle changes, and sometimes even surgery. If you suspect you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should visit a doctor right away.
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The American Heart Association has re-defined transient ischemic attack (TIA) as a brief episode of neurological dysfunction without an associated acute infarction. The TIA duration should not exceed 24 hours because typical episodes can last less than an hour. The change in definition stems from multiple studies that found brain injury in patients with classically defined TIA. In other words, it may be an infarction of the retina, but it will not last more than an hour.
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The TIA symptoms are similar to those of a full stroke. However, they can be difficult to differentiate from each other. If you notice one of these symptoms, you should seek immediate medical attention. Symptoms of a TIA can pass quickly if treatment is given immediately. A doctor may refer you to a neurologist for further investigation, or may ask you to wear a Holter monitor to monitor your heart rhythms over time.
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The transient ischemic attack (TIA) scientific statement is meant for clinicians and consists of a comprehensive review of the evidence for the diagnosis. The review included systematic literature searches from 1990 to June 2007, meta-analyses, and individual patient-level data. The findings of this statement support the tissue-based definition of TIA. TIA patients are at high risk for an early stroke, and the risk of recurrence can be reduced up to 80 percent with appropriate treatment.
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While TIAs will not cause lasting damage, they can be dangerous. When blood flow is blocked in the brain, cells cannot get oxygen. This can result in a temporary, but a severe TIA can lead to a full stroke. In fact, 1 in 3 people who experience a TIA will develop a full stroke. Because of this, it is important to receive immediate medical attention if you suspect you are suffering from TIA.
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The classic definition of a transient ischemic attack (TIA) is a sudden decrease in blood supply to the brain. TIAs last only 5 minutes, but they still require medical attention, as they may be a sign of a larger stroke. Because TIA symptoms can disappear without treatment, many people do not seek medical attention immediately. The CDC reports that more than one-third of TIA patients do not seek medical attention for their symptoms.
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The cause of TIA is the same as for a stroke. A blood vessel blockage or burst causes temporary obstruction of the blood supply to the brain. When brain cells are deprived of oxygen, they die. A TIA, also known as a mini-stroke, does not permanently damage brain tissue. It can, however, cause a heart attack or a stroke. If treated promptly, TIA can greatly reduce the risk of a major stroke.
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TIA is a relatively mild form of stroke, with a two-to-three percent chance of a full stroke within seven days. However, if left untreated, a TIA may lead to cell necrosis, which is a serious consequence. As a result, TIA patients should seek proper follow-up care. In addition to medical care, they should avoid any alcohol consumption or drug intake.
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TIA and stroke have similar causes, but different diagnostic criteria may be needed. Diagnostic studies such as head computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are required to distinguish ischemic from hemorrhagic stroke. While a CT scan can be used to determine the presence of brain infarction, MRI is better suited for identifying the causes of transient ischemic attacks. This type of imaging is generally not readily available at most medical centers, but it may be helpful in identifying brain tumors or subdural hematomas.
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A TIA may also signal another stroke, and its survivors are at a high risk for the same. Fortunately, there are various lifestyle changes and medicines to lower your risk. In some cases, a TIA is a warning sign for a stroke that can happen within a year of the first occurrence. Therefore, if you have a TIA, it is crucial to consult a doctor immediately.