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What is a Transient Ischemic Attack? - Oren Zarif - Transient Ischemic Attack

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

The classic definition of a transient ischemic attack (TIA) is a sudden neurologic deficit of presumed vascular origin that is confined to an area perfused by a specific artery. Common TIA symptoms include hemiparesis, dysarthria, and dysphasia. A TIA is sometimes referred to as a warning stroke. It may also result in a coma or death.

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Although transient ischemic attacks are usually short-lived and do not lead to disability or long-term damage, they are warning signs of a larger problem. An underlying condition may be a culprit, and it is crucial to seek medical attention. It is important to remember that TIA symptoms are similar to those of an ischemic stroke. That's why a physician should be consulted as soon as possible.

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The traditional definition of a transient ischemic attack does not reflect the actual duration of these events, which can be as short as a few minutes. Because it is not possible to reliably distinguish between transient ischemic attack and a stroke, the 24-hour limit is an impediment to the proper diagnosis and treatment. For this reason, the term "acute neurovascular syndrome" is more appropriate until a definitive diagnosis is made.

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A TIA is not immediately clear-cut. It can happen to anyone, and it should be treated immediately. However, many people do not experience a TIA before suffering a stroke. By recognizing the symptoms of a TIA, you can significantly reduce your risk of a stroke. Most symptoms are brief and may happen only once or repeatedly. However, they are similar to those of a stroke and should be diagnosed as such.

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In addition to being different from a stroke, a TIA may occur without symptoms. While the symptoms of a TIA are bright and often disappear before the doctor can examine you, those of a stroke typically have precursors. Both conditions may be mistaken for one another, but they do have many common features. A stroke is a severe version of blood flow dysfunction that can lead to hypoxia. So, it is important to know the differences between the two conditions and get treatment immediately.

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While TIA is not likely to cause any long-term damage to the brain, it is a serious warning sign of a stroke. The treatment for a TIA may include medication, lifestyle changes, or even surgery. You should see a doctor immediately if you suspect you have suffered a TIA. A doctor can help you with more information and decide what the best course of treatment would be. And if the symptoms persist, you should be in a medical emergency as soon as possible.

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The most common cause of a TIA is a narrowing of the major arteries that supply the brain with oxygenated blood. These arteries are called carotid arteries, and they can be clogged with plaques. Once plaques form, they can cause blood clots that can block the arteries completely. After this happens, blood flow is interrupted to the portion of the brain fed by the artery is significantly reduced.

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In a TIA, a blood vessel in the brain may burst or become partially blocked. When the blood supply is interrupted, brain cells begin to die. This is a transient ischemic attack, sometimes called a mini-stroke. Although TIAs do not cause permanent damage, they can be a warning sign of a larger stroke. Therefore, if you think you may be suffering from a TIA, seek treatment right away.

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Treatment for a TIA consists of reducing the risk of another attack and recurrence. A procedure called carotid endarterectomy is used only if the neck artery is narrowed to a point where blood cannot flow through it. This procedure is done when the artery has a severe fatty deposit on its walls that prevents blood from reaching the brain. A carotid endarterectomy takes about one to two hours to complete, and the patient is under general anesthesia for the procedure.

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The new definition for TIA is based on all available information. TIA is differentiated from stroke by imaging and clinical symptoms. Diagnostic tests are used to differentiate ischemic stroke from hemorrhagic stroke. In addition, imaging studies are used to identify evidence of brain infarction. Imaging studies also play a vital role in determining the cause of acute cerebrovascular syndrome. This new definition of TIA will help physicians make a more accurate diagnosis.


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