What is Anoxia? - Oren Zarif - Anoxia
Anoxia is a condition where oxygen-deficient tissues are deprived of oxygen. It affects many organs in the body, including the brain, which can experience generalized and focal impairments in memory, perception, and executive functions. Although sometimes used synonymously, anoxia is a serious medical condition. Patients suffering from anoxia may have seizures, lose consciousness, or experience mental confusion. Severe cases of anoxia can even result in a coma.
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The brain can survive for up to four minutes without oxygen. The brain's ability to compensate for this oxygen deprivation is shortened, so if you suspect you may have anoxia, seek medical attention immediately. Anoxia can have different causes, including internal problems with the heart or blood vessels or environmental toxins. In some cases, the brain is damaged within 30 seconds and death is inevitable after two minutes. If you've recently suffered an injury to your brain, it's particularly important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.
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In most cases, the diagnosis of anoxia is easy and can be made immediately. The treatment of cerebral anoxia depends on the condition of the patient when he or she arrives at the hospital. Its immediate treatment is aimed at restoring normal blood pressure and heart rate, and reviving the brain. It also involves restoring the body's ability to perform basic tasks. Anoxia symptoms can include headaches, lightheadedness, sweating, and a restriction of the field of vision. Anoxia can also lead to tremors, muscle tremors, and involuntary writhing movements.
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Anoxia can also result from severe injuries that do not allow for the recovery of the patient. Even though anoxia survivors may survive the incident without permanent damage, they may experience speech, swallowing, or memory issues. Other symptoms may include impulsivity, increased agitation, and changes in personality. Some types of anoxic brain injuries include choking, carbon monoxide poisoning, or smoke inhalation. Anoxic brain injuries should be treated immediately.
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General and local stagnant anoxia result from a blockage of the blood circulation in the body. In general, anoxia can result from heart disease, exposure to cold, and other diseases that restrict blood circulation. Other causes include strangulation, ergot poisoning, and severe asthma. In severe cases, histotoxic anoxia results from inactivating a cellular enzyme that allows the body to use oxygen. Further, it is common to experience a fall in cerebral blood flow and arterial pressure, leading to a stroke.
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Anoxia occurs when organ tissues do not receive enough oxygen. During anoxia, tissues do not receive sufficient amounts of oxygen, and the body cannot absorb sufficient amounts of oxygen. Anoxia may also result from smoke inhalation, carbon monoxide exposure, cardiac failure, complications of anesthesia, exposure to high altitudes, and poisoning. A patient can also develop anoxia after a near-drowning or an attempted hanging.
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Anoxia is usually diagnosed based on clinical symptoms, but some laboratory tests can confirm the condition. Blood tests for lactate level are one of the most important measures of tissue anoxia. Lactic acid is a byproduct produced by cells without oxygen. When blood lactate level is increased, it indicates that tissues are starved of oxygen and are utilizing non-oxygen pathways to achieve this. It is important to determine the cause of anoxia in order to treat the condition.
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There are four major types of anoxia. Anemic anoxia occurs when blood cannot carry enough oxygen to the brain. Chronic anemia, acute hemorrhage, or carbon monoxide poisoning are all causes of anemic anoxia. In the case of carbon monoxide poisoning, anoxia may result from a lack of oxygen in the blood. If left untreated, anoxia can lead to death.
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The recovery of patients with anoxic brain injury depends on several factors. The type of brain injury is critical. Anoxic brain injury can be mild, moderate, or severe. The time spent unconscious will determine whether they will recover from the condition or remain in a vegetative state for a long time. However, if anoxic brain damage is severe, the chances of recovery are low. Although a person with moderate anoxia may survive, a severe case may lead to death.