What is Cerebral Infarction? - Oren Zarif - Cerebral Infarction
Cerebral infarction is an ischemic stroke that happens due to a blood clot that is carried to the brain from other areas of the body. This can occur due to a number of factors, including arterial occlusion, embolization, or abnormal endothelium. Although it is rare for this type of stroke to kill the patient, some medical procedures, such as decompression or hemicraniectomy, can be lifesaving.
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The initial symptoms of cerebral infarction depend on the part of the brain that is affected. These symptoms may include weakness on the opposite side of the body, loss of sensation, abnormal pupil dilation, and light reaction. Infarction of the left side of the brain may lead to slurred speech and exacerbate reflexes. The presence of these symptoms is indicative of a cerebral infarction. In some instances, symptoms may be mild or even nonexistent.
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Diagnostic tests may include MRI or CT scans. An angiogram can reveal the extent of blockage in the brain. The autopsy of the patient may also provide insight as to how long the stroke has lasted. In the past decade, thrombolytic drugs such as rtPA were introduced into the treatment of cerebral infarction. Patients who suffer from a stroke within three hours of onset can receive intravenous rtPA.
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Patients with silent brain infarcts can have similar risk factors as TIA and symptomatic infarcts. Whether or not they had symptoms prior to the infarction may provide clues as to the natural history of the disease. However, physicians should not ignore the presence of a silent brain infarct, which is more common than you might think. There are three main types of silent infarct:
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Invasive processes, such as atherosclerosis, may contribute to reduced blood flow to the brain. As a result, these arteries become narrow and prone to blood clots. As a result, the blood flow to the brain is reduced, resulting in cerebral infarction. However, if a person's heart rate is too low, this can lead to cerebral ischemia. If the heart attack is left untreated, the blood flow to the brain is also reduced, increasing the risk of clotting.
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Neuroimaging tests can help determine the exact cause of cerebral infarction and how to treat it. The results of neuroimaging studies include CT and MRI scans. The findings in CT and MRI studies show that a single infarct in the anterior circulation affects at least 30% of the brain and multiple infarcts account for the rest. A large anterior ischemic stroke can be subtle for the first few hours. Moreover, large infarcts can present with a loss of the gray-white junction. Smaller infarcts, however, may be difficult to detect on CT and may be only visible with MR perfusion imaging.
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Infection-related cerebral infarctions have high mortality and morbidity rates. While TBM shares clinical characteristics with cryptococcal meningitis, this infection is often associated with extracranial involvement. These infections are also associated with neurological complications such as seizures and hydrocephalus. Early diagnosis of a cerebral infarction is essential for maximizing the chance of survival. During the acute stage, ventricular decompression is necessary to prevent further cerebral ischaemia.
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A TIA is also called a mini-stroke, but it is a serious medical emergency. If you feel you might be having a TIA, immediately seek medical help. TIAs should not be ignored. While some people disregard symptoms of this condition, they can save a life. The symptoms of TIA are the same as those of a full stroke. If you suspect you are having a stroke, consult a doctor as soon as possible.
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Another treatment for a TIA is mechanical embolectomy. This procedure involves inserting a tiny metal-mesh tube inside a patient's carotid artery. The stent helps increase the flow of blood that's been obstructed by plaques. It is performed after balloon angioplasty, which flattens out plaques. The stent acts as scaffolding, and can restore blood flow to the brain.
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Another risk factor for a TIA is atrial fibrillation. This condition can increase a person's risk of stroke five times. Unfortunately, it is often undetected until it is too late. In such cases, doctors must make an emergency appointment to check on the patient's condition. A TIA can also cause a stroke because of an abnormal heartbeat. Once a blood clot reaches the brain, it can block the flow of blood and damage the brain.