What is Cerebral Ischemia? - Oren Zarif - Cerebral Ischemia
The term cerebral ischemia is used in the scientific literature to describe a condition in which blood flow to part of the brain is disrupted. The consequences of cerebral ischemia can be devastating, as affected brain tissue can die or functions may be impaired. It is often the result of atherosclerosis, which can lead to the formation of blood clots in the brain, causing immediate damage to the patient. In addition to being the leading cause of stroke, cerebral ischemia can result from trauma, mass lesions, or hemorrhage.
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Clinical signs of cerebral ischemia include a loss of consciousness, lowered limbs, and an altered mental status. These symptoms may be reversible or progress to a more severe state, cerebral infarction, which is fatal. Although symptoms of cerebral ischemia may vary from person to person, they generally progress to a coma or severe disability. The condition is difficult to diagnose in the absence of angiographic evidence of cerebral artery narrowing.
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While the symptoms of cerebral ischemia are similar to those of a swollen brain, the exact
cause is unknown. Doctors will perform a variety of tests to confirm the diagnosis. Certain medications may be prescribed to regain blood flow in the brain. The use of these medications, however, comes with risks. Surgery may also be necessary to remove blood clots from the brain. While cerebral ischemia can be treated, it is critical to have a thorough diagnosis.
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The symptoms of cerebral ischemia vary from person to person. The most common symptoms are loss of movement and muscle weakness, decreased sensation and tingling, difficulty swallowing and speaking, and impaired coordination. Additionally, patients may experience cognitive problems and a loss of memory and coordination. Loss of consciousness or vertigo are also common after cerebral ischemia. If you suspect that you may have cerebral ischemia, seek medical attention immediately.
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Patients with symptoms suggestive of large vessel occlusion may benefit from advanced imaging to assess whether they are candidates for endovascular interventions. Patients with symptoms suggestive of large vessel occlusion should be transferred to a comprehensive stroke center with thrombectomy capabilities. If your patient develops cerebral ischemia, treatment should focus on the underlying cause of the disease, while supportive care can ensure adequate cerebral blood flow. A CT scan can also be used to assess the patient's physical condition.
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The brain is the most vulnerable tissue to ischemic damage, and even a small interruption of cerebral blood flow triggers the death of many vulnerable neurons. In addition to neurons, cardiac myocytes and kidney cells are also vulnerable to ischemia. The high metabolic rate of brain tissue in humans explains the prominent vulnerability of this organ. In fact, the human brain makes up about 2.5 percent of its weight and contributes to 25% of basal metabolism. Additionally, central neurons in the human brain are glucose-dependent and are highly susceptible to cerebral ischemia.
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The first goal of treatment for cerebral ischemia is to restore normal breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. Once these conditions are re-established, treatment is aimed at reducing pressure in the brain. The use of tPA is prohibited for patients taking anticoagulants, but mechanical clot removal can be performed up to 24 hours after the onset of stroke symptoms. Long-term treatment includes anticoagulants and aspirin.
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Brain damage caused by cerebral ischemia is complex, and researchers are still trying to discover how to treat it. As it's one of the leading causes of death worldwide, great efforts are being made to find a treatment. However, despite its devastating effects, the molecular and cellular mechanisms of cerebral ischemia remain poorly understood. If you or someone you love is suffering from this disease, there is hope for you. So go ahead and seek treatment now!
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The most common cause of focal brain ischemia is an arterial blockage of the brain. This can happen because of thrombus, embolism, or ischemic stroke. In some cases, the plaque ruptures unexpectedly and causes a thrombosis in the region that is supplied by that artery. If this happens, it can result in irreversible neuronal damage. If this is the case, surgery may be necessary.
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Global cerebral ischemia occurs when CBF is completely inhibited, and the brain undergoes selective neuronal death. During ischemia, the brain undergoes two types of neurodegeneration: cytotoxic and vasogenic. Cytotoxicity, or damage from excitotoxicity, is one of the major pathways involved in the process. In addition, the ischemic insult induces a form of cytoprotective tolerance, which may be mediated by NMDA receptors and calcium-mediated pathways.