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What is Cerebral Ischemia? - Oren Zarif - Cerebral Ischemia

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

The process of cerebral ischemia can be mild or severe, depending on its severity. Mild ischemia can cause slow loss of brain tissue, but severe ischemia can result in death of neurons. Brain tissue is most damaged during hypothermia, but the effects are more pronounced in hyperthermia. Restoring blood flow to the brain can minimize the damage, and it may even save areas that are moderately ischemic. During an episode of ischemia, the brain may appear gray or white in color. In severe cases, brain tissue can be completely lost.

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Untreated heart attack can cause cerebral ischemia. The clot in the blood blockage can prevent blood flow to the brain and slow down the heart's functioning. People with congenital heart defects are at increased risk for blood clots. People with sickle-cell anemia may also develop cerebral ischemia. This disorder affects hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying portion of red blood cells. These cells tend to clot easily.

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There are several ways to diagnose cerebral ischemia. Most commonly, imaging methods such as computed tomography and ultrasonography are used to evaluate the severity of ischemia. However, these techniques lack sensitivity to detect the disease at the earliest stages. Therefore, positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are used in the diagnosis of cerebral ischemia. The latter technique has a higher sensitivity than other neuroimaging methods and can distinguish damaged areas at earlier stages. Furthermore, it doesn't require radioactive tracers.

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Patients with suspected large vessel occlusions should undergo advanced imaging to assess whether they qualify for endovascular interventions. If the symptoms are caused by a large vessel occlusion, patients should be transferred to a thrombectomy-capable stroke center. Treatment for global cerebral ischemia aims to address the underlying causes, and supportive care is also necessary. These measures can help ensure adequate cerebral blood flow.

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In most cases, ischemic strokes are caused by two primary causes: vascular disease or cardiovascular disease. These are called cardioembolic or large-artery disease, and valvular abnormalities include atrial fibrillation. Small-vessel occlusive disease affects the small perforating arteries. Lastly, strokes may be caused by vasculitis or drug use. The TOAST criteria can help you determine the cause of a patient's ischemic stroke.

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The authors of this paper have written critical care guidelines for patients with delayed cerebral ischemia. These guidelines are based on the results of an international survey of patients with delayed cerebral ischemia. The authors acknowledge contributions from experts in this field, including Drenckhahn, Hoh, and Vespa. There are many other studies that discuss the treatment of cerebral ischemia and how to prevent it in the first place. For more information on cerebral ischemia, read the following articles.

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Treatment for this condition depends on the severity of the condition. In most cases, patients with delayed cerebral ischemia do not die from the initial hemorrhage. It often leaves survivors with impaired motor and cognitive functions, a reduced quality of life, and cognitive disabilities. The risk is related to the severity of the initial hemorrhage and how early it occurs. There are medications available for the treatment of ischemic stroke.

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A study of patients with high-grade DCI showed that the MRI signal of Gd2L1 decreased by 5% when brain tissue was ischemic. However, when the brain was reperfused, the signal regrew to normal. Hence, this type of diagnosis is difficult. A comatose patient, for example, is difficult to analyze and diagnose. In such a case, the MRI method used is only surrogate measures of DCI.

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The cause of this condition is not understood. While ischemia is the most common cause of SAH, other underlying complications must be excluded before considering a definite diagnosis. However, the patient's deterioration after SAH is usually attributable to ischemia. In cases of ischemic stroke, however, delayed onset of the disease can be secondary, suggesting the presence of other underlying causes of the condition.

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Induced normothermia, or mild hypothermia, is another way to detect cerebral ischemia. This treatment can reduce the metabolic distress in patients with severe vasospasm. Another method to diagnose cerebral ischemia is a series of worth-to-measure neuromonitoring techniques. Researchers have discovered that induced normothermia reduces the risk of cerebral ischemia and is associated with improved clinical outcomes.

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A systolic target should be established, based on the baseline blood pressure. Alternatively, mean arterial pressure (MAP) can be used to target cerebral perfusion pressure. Induction of hypertension should be goal-directed, with incremental increases in target pressure. If a patient does not show a clinical response, a higher BP target should be implemented. Aspirin-induced hypertension may be used in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage, a lower MAP target should be used for reducing ischemia.

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