What Is Cerebral Ischemia? - Oren Zarif - Cerebral Ischemia
If a patient suffers from a disruption in the blood supply to the brain, the result is cerebral ischemia. The main causes of global cerebral ischemia include cardiac arrest, carotid occlusion, asphyxia, and hypotension, while focal cerebral ischemia is typically due to cerebral vascular atherosclerosis. Cell death results when abnormally high calcium ions enter neurons through glutamate-activated channels. These high calcium ions activate the release of endonucleases and proteases, damaging structural proteins and DNA.
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In clinical trials, the definition of DCI varies considerably. While clinical features of cerebral ischemia can be seen with angiograms, the definition of this syndrome is often based on radiographic evidence of vasospasm. However, defining what constitutes cerebral ischemia is challenging because of the multiple contributing factors. Fortunately, a consensus-based international ad hoc panel of experts was formed to devise a clear definition.
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A neurological examination will include a history of the presenting complaint. If the patient is conscious, lowering his head can alleviate symptoms of syncope. Severe cerebral ischemia, on the other hand, can cause coma and death. If cerebral ischemia is not detected early, the patient will most likely experience negative symptoms of the disease. The NIHSS suggests that a CBF less than 50 mL/100 g/min is a cause for concern.
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Other causes of cerebral ischemia include heart attack. Heart attacks, which are characterized by extremely low blood pressure, may decrease the blood flow to the brain. The decreased blood flow may be localized to a specific area, known as a focal ischemia. Another cause of cerebral ischemia is a blood clot, called an embolism. Ultimately, there are no specific treatments for cerebral ischemia, but a careful medical evaluation can prevent the onset of severe neurological damage.
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Induction of cerebral ischemia may be confirmed with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This method can detect areas of acute dense ischemic brain tissue. Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FAI) sequences and T2-weighted imaging can be used to rule out older infarcts. This method is noninvasive and can help physicians to monitor the brain during ischemic episodes. With these advances, the patient can experience a full recovery in the days following the onset of cerebral ischemia.
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There are two types of cerebral ischemia. The most common form is focal, resulting from the blockage of an artery in the brain. Another type is global, and affects the entire brain. In both cases, the blood supply to the brain is drastically reduced or stopped. The treatment for both types depends on the patient's general health and the area affected. Surgery is typically the last resort in severe cases. The treatment for focal cerebral ischemia varies greatly.
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During the pathophysiology of cerebral ischemia, neurons undergo apoptosis, and the death of those cells is delayed for several hours after the onset of the ischemia. This process involves apoptosis, resulting in collateral damage and increased inflammation. This is accompanied by the recovery of the brain over a period of four to six weeks. If the brain isn't fully damaged after ischemia, further research is necessary.
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The initial workup for cerebral ischemia should include basic laboratory tests, such as a complete blood count, coagulation factors, and cardiac enzymes. The patient should undergo stat non-contrast head CT to rule out hemorrhage and mass lesions. Vascular imaging is especially useful in acute stroke diagnosis, as a large vessel occlusion is often evident. However, in many cases, the symptoms of acute cerebral ischemia are not apparent until later, but an imaging exam can help pinpoint the underlying problem.
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Once the symptoms of cerebral ischemia are recognized, a treatment regimen should be determined. Reperfusion therapies may include mechanical thrombectomy or intravenous thrombolysis. The patient's condition and timing of the treatment will play a key role in the treatment and outcome. Patients must be assessed as soon as possible after the symptoms begin to manifest, as the sooner the treatment begins, the better the chances of neurologic recovery.
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A transient ischemic attack, also known as a TIA, occurs when the blood supply to a part of the brain is temporarily interrupted. While the symptoms of a TIA are similar to those of a stroke, they do not last as long. In most cases, the symptoms go away on their own, but can remain for up to 24 hours. Other symptoms of TIA include numbness and weakness on one side of the body, difficulty speaking or walking, dizziness, and problems with balance.
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An MCAo procedure is performed in a MRI scanner. This procedure can be performed through a remote or directly in the MRI scanner. The results of these studies will help identify the best treatment for ischemic stroke. A MRI scan can reveal a variety of changes in the brain. This technique is able to identify ischemic damage in vivo and assess if new therapies can be developed. A recent study reported that an improved MRI image of poststroke ischemia can help doctors identify potential treatments for ischemic stroke.