What to Do If You Have a Brain Bleed What to Do If You Have a Brain Bleed
Brain bleeds can occur anywhere in the brain, including the subdural hematoma, which may not show any immediate symptoms for days to weeks. Despite the severity of brain bleeds, the condition can still prove to be life-threatening. The location of the bleed, its size, and age determine the severity. Once damaged, brain cells do not regenerate and can result in severe mental and physical disability. For this reason, doctors often use imaging tests such as CT scans or MRIs to confirm a diagnosis of brain bleeds. Other tests may include an eye exam and a spinal tap to rule out a vascular problem.
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The exact treatment of a brain bleed depends on the extent and location of the hemorrhage, as well as any swelling of the brain. Depending on the severity and location of the bleed, a physician may recommend medication or surgery to address the symptoms. Although brain bleeds can be life-threatening, if medical attention is sought as quickly as possible, the results can be significant. If the bleeding is minor, it may not require any treatment or rehabilitation.
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A medical professional may prescribe medications to reduce swelling and pain during the healing process. A doctor may also prescribe anti-seizure medication to prevent seizures. While the majority of cases of a brain bleed are treatable with medications, doctors must act quickly to ensure the best outcome for the patient. The sooner doctors can get to work to restore the natural blood supply to the brain, the better the chance of a full recovery. This is critical because once a person's brain cells have no oxygen, they will begin to die.
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A physician may use a catheter to guide small metal coils into an aneurysm. These coils block the flow of blood and seal the aneurysm from the main artery. The procedure may be repeated several times in a person's lifetime. If a ruptured aneurysm cannot be repaired, doctors may perform a clipping procedure to prevent further bleeding. Medication is often prescribed to relieve pain and prevent seizures related to the ruptured aneurysm.
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Symptoms of brain bleeds vary greatly. The most common symptom is an intense, sudden headache. Some people even say that this type of headache is worse than a migraine headache. However, other symptoms will often overshadow the intense headache. Seeing a doctor immediately reduces the risk of complications and death. If a bleeding disorder has resulted, immediate medical attention is necessary. If a stroke has occurred, a diagnosis can be made sooner rather than later.
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Symptoms of brain bleeding include severe headache, blurred vision, and weakness on one side of the body. Some people experience loss of consciousness, vomiting, and confusion. A ruptured brain aneurysm or tumor is the most common cause of brain bleeding. It can occur due to an accident or another traumatic event, such as hitting a person's head. However, symptoms do not always show that a brain bleed has occurred.
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While it is important to seek medical attention immediately, it is also necessary to take photographs of the brain. In addition to a diagnosis of a bleeding, a person suffering from brain bleeding should have an MRI or CT scan. The MRI will show whether there is any underlying condition that may be causing it. If the bleed is severe, emergency personnel will likely administer blood clotting medications, or perform surgical procedures. Afterwards, the patient can return to normal activities.
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Newborns are most at risk for brain bleeds. If a mother does not follow medical advice, a cesarean section may be necessary to avoid a brain bleed. Moreover, birthing a baby by vacuum or forceps can result in brain bleeds in babies. While the doctor might be able to prevent a bleed from occurring, the mother has the right to ask questions. In a difficult childbirth, parents should not hesitate to make important decisions and choose a delivery method that meets their needs.
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A ruptured artery in the brain can cause a blood clot or hematoma. Both can increase pressure on the brain and cause it to suffer severe damage. If the bleeding is large enough, the patient may experience unconsciousness or even death. Some people who have experienced a brain hemorrhage can recover, while others are left with permanent brain damage. But no matter what, the condition of a brain bleed can be serious, and immediate medical attention should be sought.