What to Do If You Have a Heart Attack or Heart Stroke - Oren Zarif - Heart Stroke
If you or someone you love has recently had a heart attack or heart stroke, you should immediately seek medical attention. You will be monitored closely and may be given clot-busting medication, known as thrombolysis. The length of your stay in the hospital depends on the type of stroke and its severity. You will be treated with medication and other procedures that may help you recover quickly. Your doctor will advise you on what treatments to expect.
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Your doctor will calculate a risk score based on your specific condition and the risk factors that have been linked to your heart health. Based on your score, your doctor will advise you on what to do, such as changing your lifestyle and taking medications. To reduce your risk, follow a heart healthy diet, consisting of foods rich in protein and low in saturated fat. If you're overweight, try to eat lean poultry and eggs, and limit red meat.
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The warning signs of a heart attack or a stroke include chest pain, shortness of breath, and cold sweat. Symptoms often get worse with physical activity or emotional stress. They don't go away with rest. In addition to discomfort in the chest, stroke victims may also experience numbness, weakness, lightheadedness, and confusion. If you or someone you know has any of these symptoms, call 911 right away. Do not attempt to self-diagnose, as there are many different reasons that someone may be experiencing a heart attack or stroke.
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While it is difficult to communicate the symptoms of a heart attack or stroke, it's essential that you visit your healthcare provider as soon as possible. Even though a TIA is not a true heart attack, it's still a medical emergency and requires immediate treatment. Your doctor will assess your heart health, as well as your symptoms. For instance, if you have any heart conditions, your healthcare team will be able to provide you with the right medication.
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While cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the U.S., a heart attack is still the number one killer. A heart attack can leave the sufferer with significant disabilities for years to come. Strokes, on the other hand, are the number five cause of death in the U.S., and they are the most preventable. You can take steps to prevent heart attacks by practicing healthy habits and getting treatment as soon as possible.
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While a heart attack can be more dangerous than a stroke, it is often silent. The results can be devastating and a stroke can drastically affect your daily activities. The long-term effects of a stroke are also difficult to handle. There are a number of ways to prevent a stroke, but it is vital to receive immediate medical attention. A heart attack is the most severe kind of heart disease and the most serious. If you don't know the signs and symptoms of a heart attack, you may have a stroke.
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The pulse pressure reflects the volume of the heart. A small arterial pulse pressure indicates a severe heart failure or hemorrhage. A large pulse pressure indicates a larger stroke volume. A normal, vigorous heart will eject more volume during a fraction of its cardiac cycle. The result is a stroke volume twice as large as the previous stroke. When this happens, the stroke is likely to be fatal. If you suspect you've had a heart attack, it is important to see a doctor immediately.
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A heart attack occurs when the blood flow to the heart is blocked. This severely damages the heart's muscle. Coronary artery disease is the main cause of heart attacks. When arteries become narrowed and blocked, plaque builds up. The buildup forces the heart to work harder, eventually leading to damaged heart muscle. Ultimately, the heart begins to die without oxygen. The only way to prevent further damage to the heart muscle is to restart the blood flow.
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If you suspect you may have a heart attack or stroke, call 911 immediately. A stroke is caused when blood flow to the brain is blocked or obstructed due to a ruptured blood vessel. The oxygen-starved brain cells die rapidly, so it is critical that immediate medical attention is given. Once the patient is stabilized, the recovery process will be much more rapid. It's vital to understand the symptoms of a heart attack or stroke so that you can seek immediate medical care.