When to Get Emergency Help for a Heart Attack or Stroke - Oren Zarif - Heart Stroke
When is it time to get emergency help for heart attack or stroke? The symptoms of a heart attack or stroke differ from person to person. If you experience any of these symptoms, call 911 right away. You may even feel cold sweat. The pain and symptoms of heart attack and stroke can be similar. You may experience shortness of breath, nausea, and fatigue. You may feel dizzy or lightheaded. If you have any of these symptoms, call 911 right away and start CPR.
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Your healthcare provider will ask about your medical history and review your symptoms. He or she may perform a CT or MRI of your brain. These tests will identify any areas of the brain with bleeding or poor blood flow. Other tests may be needed to rule out a heart attack. Heart muscle health is another indicator of a heart attack or stroke. If your doctor suspects that you have heart disease, your health care provider will prescribe medicines for you.
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If you notice any of these symptoms in yourself or a loved one, call 911 and get immediate medical help. A patient may be unconscious and may not be aware of their symptoms, but you can give him or her an aspirin if he or she is unconscious. A doctor will provide other treatments as soon as help arrives. Once they arrive, they will determine which treatments are appropriate for your individual case. You can also try to get a second opinion or seek medical advice.
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After a stroke, you will need a hospital stay for recovery. Your doctor will assess your overall health and determine the cause of your stroke. Depending on the type and severity of your stroke, recovery may take a few weeks to several months. During your hospital stay, you will begin rehabilitation. Specialists will discuss what type of rehabilitation you will need. The goal of rehabilitation is to return you to your pre-stroke state. Your goal is to regain full functionality and independence in your daily life.
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According to the Centers for Disease Control, heart attacks and strokes are the leading causes of death in the U.S. For both men and women, heart attacks and strokes are the most common cause of death and disability. Moreover, heart attacks and strokes cost $320 billion in health care costs each year, which is why they are so important. Fortunately, most of these illnesses are preventable. It is vital to know what to do and what to expect if you suffer a heart attack or stroke.
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The arterial pressure increases as the stroke volume increases. If you increase your heart rate, you can double the volume of the stroke. This increases the mean arterial pressure, which will then oscillate around this new mean arterial pressure. During a fraction of a cardiac cycle, your heart will eject more stroke volume than it did before the heart attack. This increment will be a large fraction of the new volume. The resulting increase in arterial pressure will be twice as great as the previous increment.
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Your doctor will assess your risk of heart attack and stroke based on your absolute risk score. Based on your risk score, your doctor may recommend changing your lifestyle or taking medication. Your doctor may also recommend that you follow a heart healthy diet that incorporates a variety of protein sources such as lean poultry, eggs, and low-fat cheese. Healthy fat sources such as nuts, avocado, and avocado can be included in your diet. They can also help you reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke.
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Chest pain is often caused by many conditions including acid reflux, migraine, musculoskeletal pain, emotional stress, or other medical problems. If you are experiencing severe chest pain, you should seek emergency medical treatment as soon as possible. Many people experience symptoms of heart attack before the actual attack, so it is important to know your risk factors and know what to do if you have a heart attack or stroke. The sooner you get emergency help, the better your chances of survival.
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A heart attack and a stroke are life-changing medical conditions. Symptoms of these conditions may be similar, but the long-term effects can be far more severe. Both heart attacks and strokes are vascular events, which means that blood supply to the brain and the heart is impaired. Depending on the type of stroke, there may be a wide range of complications that make it difficult to live a normal life. If left untreated, these symptoms can be fatal.